Mindfulness Activities to Help Students During the Coronavirus

Many of us are feeling more anxious than normal. The coronavirus pandemic has impacted our mental health and our social lives.

As schools prepare to reopen, the 2020-2021 school year looks to be like no other. Distance learning and virtual classrooms are just a few of the changes that we’re seeing. 

And as schools adapt to this new learning environment, it’s important to consider the impact it’s having on the students. Practicing mindfulness can help reduce feelings of anxiety, and improve overall mental well being. 

The Importance of Mindfulness

At some point in time, we’ve all practiced mindfulness. Being mindful involves taking the time to focus on the present. Think about how you are feeling and where you are.

In periods of increased stress and anxiety, it’s harder than you might think. It takes time, but the benefits are worth it. Being mindful can help keep us in a more positive mindset. This in turn helps boost our mental and physical well being. 

And, thankfully, you don’t have to pay anything for mindfulness. Most mindfulness activities can be done from the comfort of your home. Below we’ve listed some top mindfulness activities. 

  • Take a Moment to Stretch
  • Meditate
  • Learn a New Hobby
  • Bake Something
  • Keep a Positivity Journal 
  • Create a Yearbook!
    • This year is one worth remembering. Creating a yearbook gives you a creative outlet. Plus, it’s a great way of documenting all of the events in our current lives.

YearbookLife can help you create lasting memories. We offer a full range of yearbook publishing and printing services. Elementary School Yearbooks, Middle School Yearbooks or High School Yearbooks, we’ve got you covered. Give your yearbook an unforgettable edge with YearbookLife’s 3D Yearbooks. Or go fully interactive with YearbookLife’s Digital Yearbooks, powered by FC Yearbook. Find your perfect yearbook by clicking here.

COVID-19 Resources for Schools

Students and educators alike are gearing up to head back to school. But the 2020-2021 school year is shaping up to be unlike any we’ve experienced before. 

COVID-19 has changed many parts of our daily lives. School is no different. Distance learning and virtual schools have become the norm. 

Looking after the well-being and health of our schools, educators, students and communities is important. At YearbookLife, we are here to support you during this unusual time. To help schools and our communities, we’ve put together free education and health resources. Check out our COVID-19 resources for schools list below. 

Distance Learning Resources

BrainPOP – Originally founded in 1999, BrainPOP is an online learning resource supporting “core and supplemental subjects, reaching millions of learners worldwide.” Science, social studies, math and English are just a few of their available resources. 

Back To School Planning – The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have put together a helpful checklist to help parents, guardians and caregivers prepare for the upcoming school year. 

Dance Mat Typing – Touch typing is a valuable skill. The British Broadcasting Company (BBC) have developed Dance Mat Typing, a fun way to teach touch typing. 

Duolingo – Learning a second language is made easier with Duolingo’s free mobile App. Available for iPhone and Android devices. Duolingo breaks language learning into small, easily digestible daily tasks.  

Resource-Bank – As stated on their website, “Created by Scholastic Resource Bank’s team of educational experts, you’ll find hundreds of engaging resources to help your child build key skills, develop their understanding and reach their full potential.” 

Epic! – Gain access to a vast library of books, videos and more to help develop reading skills. 

Prodigy – This math platform aims to motivate 1st – 8th grade students to learn and practice math. 

School Administrator Resources

U.S Department of Education – Read the latest advice and information for educators from the U.S. DoE’s COVID-19 Information and Resources for Schools and School Personnel.

CDC’s Guide for K-12 School Administrators and Child Care Programs – Per their website: “This interim guidance is intended for administrators of public and private child care programs and K-12 schools. Administrators are individuals who oversee the daily operations of child care programs and K-12 schools, and may include positions like child care program directors, school district superintendents, principals, and assistant principals. This guidance is intended for administrators at both the school/facility and district level.”

Further Support Resources

Speaking To Your Children About COVID-19 – It can be difficult to broach the subject of COVID-19 and its repercussions. The National Association of School Psychologists have put together a guide to help. 

Avoiding Loneliness During Isolation – Social distancing is important to slow the spread of the Coronavirus. But it can leave us feeling isolated and alone. This article from NPR offers advice on avoiding loneliness. 

At YearbookLife, the safety and wellbeing of everyone is at the front of our minds. That’s why we are offering Digital Yearbooks to help with No Touch distribution concerns. This year may be unusual, but it doesn’t mean that it’s not worth remembering. Our digital yearbooks look the same as a traditional printed yearbook, and allow you to message each other directly through the app: keeping you in touch, in a touchless world! Remember all your memories and keep safe with YearbookLife’s Digital Yearbooks. Read more by clicking here.

Selling School Yearbooks to Parents

You’ve probably already heard that planning a yearbook takes time. It’s true; the earlier you get started on your yearbook creation process, the easier the process will be. One thing that is important to consider is the cost of your yearbook. Yearbook costs can fluctuate each year based on design enhancements selected.

When it’s time to gather up all of those amazing school memories, it can sometimes be difficult to convince teenagers to rush out and order a yearbook. But there is a whole different demographic of folks who might be interested in purchasing memories of our school age students – Parents!

Selling yearbooks to parents is a great opportunity to ensure some of those important memories live on. Even if our kids and students aren’t compelled to snatch one up, their parents will be!

We’ve got some great ideas to help entice parents to sign up on the order form for upcoming yearbook sales. 

Selling Yearbooks to Parents – Tips and Ideas to Sell 

Here are some great reasons to purchase a yearbook as a parent. Plus, ways you can help your school promote yearbook sales.

  • Encourage students to purchase for family – Promote to your friends and family that supporting your student by purchasing a yearbook can help older members of your family see what your student has been doing all year. Those memories last a lifetime and grandparents will love it!
  • They’ll appreciate the memories…someday! – Even if your student doesn’t seem interested in purchasing a yearbook now, it can be a unique and memorable gift later on. When we’re young we sometimes don’t realize the value in seeing our life experiences in print. Let’s face it, school can have a lot of fantastic memories. By emphasizing the importance of those memories, parents might want to sign up for a few!
  • Utilize incentives – By offering coupons to various activities or even special “early bird” discounts, you can capture those parents that aren’t always active participants at school events. 
  • Build up anticipation – Hand out fliers, hang posters – build the anticipation by giving sneak peaks. Send things home, post on school social media, and use your email lists and parent contact lists to alert parents that yearbook time is upon them.
  • Use existing digital avenues – Advertise on school websites, use social platforms, email lists and even call lists. These are great ways to alert parents that yearbooks are coming.
  • Give frequent sneak peeks! – If you can, by utilizing fliers, digital avenues and even parent meetings, you can give parents a taste of the great content you’ve created to offer. This can help generate buzz for yearbook sales.

When it comes to it, we live in an age where Instagram and social media apps are king. By compelling parents to hang on to something tangible that they can potentially gift their kids as they get older, you can capture sales in a unique way. Just remember that apps and social media are ever changing, but a yearbook is forever!

Get a FREE Yearbook Quote from YearbookLife today!

At YearbookLife, we make yearbooks easy. Our easy-to-use yearbook design software and technical support assistance help simplify the yearbook process for you. Plus, our experienced customer care team are on hand to help you market your yearbook and increase your yearbook sales. If you’d like to request a quote today, please click here.

Ideas for School Yearbook Fundraising

You’ve probably already heard that planning a yearbook takes time. It’s true; the earlier you get started on your yearbook creation process, the easier the process will be. One thing that is important to consider is the cost of your yearbook. Yearbook costs can fluctuate each year based on design enhancements selected.

Yearbook sales and revenue from ads should contribute towards the basic cost of the yearbook, meaning the amount required for printing. But what happens when this income stream doesn’t cover everything? How do you pay for the additional, fun enhancement options that you want to include to make your yearbook unique?

At YearbookLife, we’ve been in the yearbook industry for years. Through our experience, we’ve seen some great ways to help raise additional money for your yearbook. Give it a try yourself with these school yearbook fundraising ideas.

5 School Yearbook Fundraising Ideas

These 5 ideas can be great yearbook fundraisers. Plus, they give you a great opportunity to get the whole yearbook team involved! 

  1. Host A Movie Night – Hosting a movie night is a great way to raise some additional cash. Find a family-friendly film to attract as many people as possible! Sell tickets for admission, and offer up additional extras like popcorn, candy, or even pizza. 
  2. Take Advantage of the Holidays – We’re not just talking about the traditional holidays! Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day can also be great opportunities for fundraising. You could offer candy grams for sale at Valentine’s. How about green flowers for St. Patrick’s day? Let your creativity run wild. Don’t forget to get your school involved – you’ll want to make sure that they’re onboard with your holiday fundraising ideas. 
  3. Raffle – A raffle is a great way to raise additional funds for your yearbook. People love being able to win a fantastic prize. It’s also a great way to get local businesses involved. Why not approach some and see if they’d be willing to contribute a prize? 
  4. Bake Sales – Who doesn’t enjoy cake? A bake sale is a great way to raise some money. Don’t limit yourself to the traditional cupcake and brownie. Why not try throwing additional items in the mix for people who are looking for healthier alternatives? Trail mix or popcorn can be great additions. 
  5. Photo CDs – Throughout the year, you’re probably taking a lot of photos for your yearbook. But let’s be realistic, not all of them are going to make the final cut. Throw the photos onto CDs, and offer them for sale to students and parents alike. Bonus points for organizing the CDs by theme, eg: homecoming, prom, rallys, etc. 

These school yearbook fundraising ideas are a great way to raise extra money. After all, you want to make a yearbook to remember, right? If you’re looking for additional help marketing and selling your yearbook, check out the YearbookLife Marketing Supplies Store

Get a FREE Yearbook Quote from YearbookLife today!

At YearbookLife, we make yearbooks easy. Our easy-to-use yearbook design software and technical support assistance help simplify the yearbook process for you. Plus, our experienced customer care team are on hand to help you market your yearbook and increase your yearbook sales. If you’d like to request a quote today, please click here.

How to Write A Great Yearbook Photo Caption

A great yearbook photo caption should do two things: it should inform readers and it should entertain. Your yearbook photos are going to be some of the most-seen graphics in the yearbook. If the photo captures your readers’ attention, they’re likely to read the associated caption.

Great yearbook photo captions should tell a story. You may be wondering where to even begin? Our yearbook caption writing tips can help you create memorable, entertaining and informative captions. 

Tips for Writing & Designing Yearbook Photo Captions 

A photo caption is a small, easily digestible piece of information. A great caption should tell the reader everything they need to know about a photo: Who? What? When? Where? Why? Once you’ve gathered this information, the caption will all but write itself! 

Think of writing your yearbook caption like a story-teller would. Give your readers enough information to give them the complete story. Your caption should be able to answer the five W’s:

  • Who? Make sure your caption describes who is in the photo. Name up to 6 or 7 people or groups. Top Tip: Take advantage of yearbook publishers with software that helps you index your yearbook images. YearbookLife offers software that will automatically index people you tag in your yearbook photos. Talk about a useful feature!
  • What? What is happening in the photo? Try to focus on the non-obvious information. For example, it’s Tom’s first time playing the flute at a school event. Rather than “Tom, playing the flute” you could try, “Tom’s first time playing the flute at the Spring Fling.” 
  • When? When did the event happen? Was it special in anyway?
  • Where? Where was the photo taken? 
  • Why? This is a great opportunity to provide additional information behind the photo. Perhaps it was a charity bake sale. This gives you a chance to tell the reader something they cannot see in the photo. 

Tip: Getting a quote from someone in the picture can really compliment your story-telling! 

Yearbook Photo Captions: Dos and Don’ts

Here’s a quick list of the dos and don’ts for writing your yearbook photo captions:


✅ Answer the five Ws

✅ Be descriptive

✅ Be factual 

✅ Use lively, visual, action verbs

✅ Write in the present tense

✅ Use first and last names

✅ Write in complete sentences


❌  Use label leads (such as baseball guys, etc.)

❌  Use a lot of -ing verbs

❌  State the obvious

❌  Use joke or “gag” captions

❌  Forget you’re telling the reader a story

Writing the yearbook photo captions is a great opportunity to think back on all the fun you’ve had in the school year. Put on your story-telling hat, get creative, and most of all, have fun! 

Get a FREE Yearbook Quote from YearbookLife today!

At YearbookLife, we make yearbooks easy. Our easy-to-use yearbook design software and technical support assistance help simplify the yearbook process for you. Plus, our experienced customer care team is on hand to help you market your yearbook and increase your yearbook sales. If you’d like to request a quote today, please click here.

Top 5 Questions to Ask Your Yearbook Publisher

It can be difficult to choose a yearbook publisher. We’re here to let you in on a secret to  make it easier. “What’s that,” you ask? You’re already on the right track. Asking questions is the best way to determine if the yearbook publisher is the right fit for your school. 

Choosing your yearbook publisher is an important decision – so what’s important to you and your school? To help you narrow down your choices, we’ve put together this cheat sheet of questions to ask your yearbook publisher. 

There are many choices when it comes to yearbook publishers. Whittling down the right choice for you can depend on a few key questions. Here are 5 we recommend you ask:

1.) What services do you provide? 

You may have a fantastic yearbook staff in house, but there may still be additional services that you require. You may want a yearbook representative who is on hand to help with the whole process. Do you need them to stop by on a monthly basis? Perhaps you’d be more comfortable with email correspondence or phone calls to check in. Finding a publisher that offers customer care and technical support teams is key.

You may also need help marketing your yearbook. How about tips and tricks on the best places to market your yearbooks? Perhaps you’re more interested in tools to help promote and sell your yearbooks. Don’t be shy to ask what services your potential yearbook publisher has to support you.

2.) How much does it cost? 

Let’s get the tricky question out of the way. Asking about price can help you prepare your budget in advance. It also helps ensure that you have enough set aside for your yearbook publishing costs.

Remember, it’s not just about the bottom line cost. Many yearbook publishers will offer free tools or software to give you more bang for your buck. Verify what the price quoted includes. Don’t forget to ask about shipping and delivery costs.

3.) What kind of quality can I expect? 

You’ve spent a long time putting your yearbook together. Naturally, you want professional quality from cover to cover. Vibrant color printing, specialty cover options and personalization features can all help to give your yearbook that professional look.

But don’t just take their word for it! Holding a sample in your hand is the best way to assess quality. Ask if your yearbook publisher offers free yearbook samples. This will help you determine if the quality offered matches your expectations. 

4.) What design software do you offer?

Yearbook software can help you to take your yearbook to the next level. Do you want software that allows you to collaborate with your team? What about software that allows you to work remotely and share your progress?

At YearbookLife, we offer a choice of yearbook software, including Pictavo and YBLive. Choose from an extensive library of page designs, templates and backgrounds. The enhanced design features allow you to create a one-of-a-kind yearbook.

5.) How fast is your delivery time? 

It may seem like a small detail, but the delivery time for your yearbooks can be a big deal. If your yearbook publisher requires your yearbook months in advance, you risk missing out on the end of year events.

Finding a yearbook publisher that can offer fast delivery means that you can include every event of the year in your book. At YearbookLife, we can deliver your yearbooks in as little as ten business days!

Get a FREE Yearbook Quote from YearbookLife today!

At YearbookLife, we make yearbooks easy. Our easy-to-use yearbook design software and technical support assistance help simplify the yearbook process for you. Plus, our experienced customer care team are on hand to help you market your yearbook and increase your yearbook sales. If you’d like to request a quote today, please click here.