Check Out Our Yearbook Sample
Check Out Our Yearbook Sample

Delivery in as little as 15 Business Days
YBLive’s quick turnaround time of as little as 15 business days means that you can have a later submission date, giving you time to get Spring events in your book.

Runs On All Platforms
The YBLive software is compatible with all major browsers on Windows and Mac.

Short Learning Curve
A simple workflow makes the software easy to use and navigate. Help text and training videos are available on every page for a quick, detailed reference.

Advanced & Easy-To-Use Features
YBLive contains a set of design wizards that provide great looking yearbook pages, automatically, or create your own custom layouts using thousands of templates and other design elements.

Yearbook Planning Ladder
An online yearbook planning ladder provides a quick glance for planning and managing your yearbook.

Online Collaboration
Advanced collaboration tools allow multiple people to work on the yearbook simultaneously, with oversight from an advisor.

Online Storefront
The YBLive storefront allows students and parents to order their yearbooks and design and purchase their ads online. Real time reporting of all sales is visible through the software.

Photo Upload
Through the Photo Post feature, students, staff and volunteers can upload and share images they’ve captured for consideration in your yearbook, giving you more content to choose from.

Year-to-Year Roll Over
YBLive allows you to save your page templates and ladder for next year giving you a head start on next year’s yearbook.

Upgraded Design Enhancements
Choose from various design enhancement options including Personalized Foil Stamped Covers, Matte Finish Covers and Foiled Designed Covers. Pricing available upon request.

Direct Shipping
Direct shipping of yearbooks to students is available. Contact us for pricing and details.

Delivery in as little as 15 Business Days
YBLive’s quick turnaround time of just as little as 15 business days means that you can have a later submission date, giving you time to get Spring events in your book.

Short Learning Curve
A simple workflow makes the software easy to use and navigate. Help text and training videos are available on every page for a quick, detailed reference.

Runs On All Platforms
The YBLive software is compatible with all major browsers on Windows and Mac.

Advanced & Easy-To-Use Features
YBLive contains a set of design wizards that provide great looking yearbook pages, automatically, or create your own custom layouts using thousands of templates and other design elements.

Yearbook Planning Ladder
An online yearbook planning ladder provides a quick glance for planning and managing your yearbook.

Online Storefront
The YBLive storefront allows students and parents to order their yearbooks and design and purchase their ads online. Real time reporting of all sales is visible through the software.

Online Collaboration
Advanced collaboration tools allow multiple people to work on the yearbook simultaneously, with oversight from an advisor.

Photo Upload
Through the Photo Post feature, students, staff and volunteers can upload and share images they’ve captured for consideration in your yearbook, giving you more content to choose from.

Year-to-Year Roll Over
YBLive allows you to save your page templates and ladder for next year giving you a head start on next year’s yearbook.

Direct Shipping
Direct shipping of yearbooks to students is available. Contact us for pricing and details.

Upgraded Design Enhancements
Choose from various design enhancement options including Personalized Foil Stamped Covers, Matte Finish Covers and Foiled Designed Covers. Pricing available upon request.
Our dedicated YBLive Technical Support team is available to assist you with all aspects of YBLive.
Contact us at 888-680-0143 or yblive@yearbooklife.com
Yearbook Covers
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We get it. You need to hold a book in your hands to make sure you love it.
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