Yearbook Contest Finalists

In no particular order here are the ten finalists for the 2011-2012 Best Yearbook Contest:


Gunnery Road Christian Academy

North Andrews Gardens Elementary

Pembroke Pines Middle West Campus

Tequesta Trace Middle

Plymouth Preschool

Forest Glen Middle School

Somerset Academy Village

Temple Beth Emet School

John Jay High School

Pembroke Pines Charter Middle Central


Final results will be announced on Thursday at 10am EST

Broward County Yearbook and Memory Book RFP Requirements (Final)


4.4     Evaluation Criteria· (Proposer Qualifications, Scope of Services and Cost of Services):

4.4.1     Proposer’s Qualifications – (Maximum 50 allowable points)     Executive Summary – Submit a brief abstract stating the Proposer’s understanding of the nature and scope of the services to be provided and capability to comply with all terms and conditions of RFP.

4.4.2     Scope of Services Provided – (Maximum 50 allowable points): Clearly describe how the Proposer can accomplish each of the following Scope of Services provided below. Minimum must include the following: Make a statement that, if awarded, your company agrees to give the opportunity to every student to purchase Memorybooks, if they so desire. Make a statement that, if awarded, your company will provide to the school who chooses your company all the necessary forms, materials for preparation of the manuscript and instructions for use. Make a statement that if a specific program for the layout of a memorybook is required, the chosen company will provide information on the computer software and training that will be provided. If computer hardware is provided to the school, define who will retain title to the computer hardware, who will be responsible for maintenance, repairs, technical support, and consumables. Describe any additional service which your company will provide at no additional charge. If your company is furnishing computer(s) to a school after being chosen by the school, then list any costs to the school for use of the computer(s). If the school does not renew with your company for a second year, state what happens to the computer(s). If awarded, make a statement that your company will guarantee that Memorybooks will be of the highest quality as represented by their samples and that service will be of the highest standards. Make a statement that your company will provide a copy of the official receipt to the individual school’s bookkeeper, within 24 hours, of any transactions (orders, payments and delivery) made directly with students. State that your company will have the local servicing representative handle and/or manage all aspects of the account. Indicate that your prices will include all taxes, shipping, handling and delivery of all school Memorybooks.

4.4.3 Cost of Services• (Additional Information – No Points Assigned): Proposer must complete and submit the Proposal Pricing Sheet. State your company’s prices only on the Proposal Pricing Sheet. Prices submitted must include any applicable taxes, shipping, handling and delivery of Memorybooks for Elementary and Middle Schools. The Proposer will be responsible for payment of any applicable taxes to the respective governmental entities. Do not add any additional items to the Proposal Pricing Sheet(s). Any additional items must be submitted under “Additional Products” section of the Proposal Pricing Sheet(s) or on a separate sheet. Any items added as Additional Products, with prices stated, will be allowed to be ordered by the schools, if they so desire.


5.1 The Evaluation Committee (hereinafter referred to as “Committee”) reserves the right to ask questions of a clarifying nature once Proposals have been opened, interview any or all Proposers that respond to the RFP, or make their recommendations based solely on the information contained in the Proposals submitted. The Committee shall evaluate all Proposals received, which meet or exceed Section 4.3, Minimum Eligibility Requirements and Section

7.1 Indemnification. Proposals that meet or exceed Section 4.3 and Section 7.1 shall be evaluated and awarded by the Committee according to the following criteria and will be ranked against Proposals of similar type.

Experience and Qualifications
Scope of Services Provided

Failure to respond, provide detailed information or to provide requested Proposal elements may result in the. reduction of points in the evaluation process. The Committee may recommend the rejection of any proposal containing material deviations from the RFP. The Committee may recommend to waive any irregularities and technicalities.

5.2 The Committee reserves the right to ask questions of a clarifying nature once Proposals have been opened, require presentations from all Proposers, interview any or all Proposers that respond to the RFP, or make their recommendations based solely on the information contained in the Proposals submitted. Presentations, if required, will be part of the evaluation process.

5.3 Award: The Committee intends to make award(s) to the Proposer(s) that has complied with the terms, conditions and requirements of the overall RFP and that receive 70 points or greater from the Committee. The award will be based on the scores ascribed to Proposals as outlined in Evaluation Process and will be made for the goods and services required by SBBC as stated in the RFP. The award shall not be a guarantee of business or a guarantee of specified quantities of products or volume of service.

Broward Schools Yearbook RFP Introduction and General Information (Continued)

2.5        Submittal Of Proposal:Submit Proposals in accordance with Section 4.0. Proposals should be organized and shall include necessary information as to be in full compliance with this Section. In order to facilitate the Proposal evaluation process, special attention should be paid to organizing Proposals in a manner consistent with Section 4.0. SBBC reserves the right to reject and not consider any Proposal that is not submitted in accordance with Section 4.0 or that does not include any necessary information.

2.6        Evaluation and Award: All responsive Proposals will be evaluated by the Evaluation Committee (hereinafter referred to as “Committee”) based upon the information submitted by Proposers in response to Section 4.0 and in accordance with the evaluation criteria established in Section 5.0 for Category a.) Experience and Qualifications and Category b.) Scope of Services. Category c.) Cost of services is for school informational purposes only and no points will be assigned for cost of services. Based upon the evaluation of Proposals, the Committee will recommend a pool of qualified companies that have complied with the terms, conditions and requirements of the overall RFP and receive 70 points or greater from the Committee. It will be up to the school’s discretion as to which Proposer is selected from the pool of qualified companies. The school Principal (or Designee) will fill out and send, to the selected company, Attachment F, Confirmation of Services, as notification to the company that they have been selected.

Proposals due on or before 2:00 p.m. ETin Supply Management and Logistics Department.Proposal opening will be at7720 West Oakland Park Blvd., Suite 323,Sunrise, Florida 33351-6704. *

Evaluation Committee reviews Proposals and makes recommendation for award. Meeting to be held at Supply Management and Logistics Department 7720 West Oakland Park Boulevard, Suite 323 Sunrise, Florida 33351-6704 at 9:45 a.m.*

Posting of Recommendation

* These are public meetings. The School Board of Broward County, Florida, prohibits any policy or procedure which results in discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, national origin, marital status, race, religion or sexual orientation. Individuals who wish to file a discrimination and/or harassment complaint may call the Executive Director, Benefits & EEO Compliance at 754-321-2150 or Teletype Machine (TTY) 754-321-2158.

Individuals with disabilities requesting accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) may call Equal Educational Opportunities (EEO) at 754-321-2150 or Teletype Machine (TTY) 754-321-2158.

Broward County School Memorybook and Yearbook Requirements for RFP


We have had multiple requests to share the requirements for the 2012-2013 Broward County Schools Memorybook and Yearbook Request for Proposal Requirements. Beginning today we will provide a series of of these requirements over the next week or so. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Section One

2.1        The School Board of Broward County, Florida (hereinafter referred to as “SBBC”) desires to receive Proposals for MEMORYBOOKS FOR ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOLS. The intention of this RFP is to provide high schools and middle schools with a pool of qualified companies from which to choose their Memorybooks provider.
SBBC reserves the right to increase the pool of qualified companies each subsequent year (anniversary date) of the term of the contract, if deemed necessary by SBBC. The Proposals will be evaluated by the Evaluation Committee to determine their eligibility under the terms and conditions of this RFP. Regardless as to the year a company is
added to the pool of qualified companies, all awards will be terminated June 30, 2016 or, if renewed, at the end of the contract renewal period.

2.2        Questions And Interpretations: Any questions concerning any portion of this RFP must be submitted, in writing, to Carol Barker, Purchasing Agent, Supply Management and Logistics Department, 754·321·0506 at the address listed in Section 6.1 or via facsimile 754-321-0533 or via e-mail Any questions which require a response which amends the RFP document in any manner will be answered via Addendum by the Supply Management and Logistics Department and provided to all Proposers. No information given in any other matter will be binding on the School Board.

Any questions concerning any condition or requirement of this RFP must be received in the Supply Management and Logistics Department, in writing, on or before February 10, 2011. Questions received after this date will not be answered. Submit all questions to the attention of the individual stated above. If necessary, an Addendum will be issued. Any verbal or written information, which is obtained other than by information in this RFP document or by Addenda, shall not be binding on SBBC.

2.3        Contract Term: The purpose of this RFP is to establish a contract beginning June 30, 2011 and continuing through June 29,2016. The term of the contract may, by mutual agreement between SBBC and the Awardee, upon final School Board approval, be extended for an additional five-year period and, if needed, 180 days beyond
the expiration date of the renewal period. The Supply Management and Logistics Department, will, if considering renewing, request a letter of intent to renew from each Awardee, prior to the end of the current contract period. The Awardee will be notified when the recommendation has been acted upon by SBBC. The Proposer agrees to this
condition by signing its Proposal.

2.4        PRICE ADJUSTMENTS: Prices offered shall remain firm through the first three years of the contract. A request for price adjustment may be submitted 30 days prior to the third anniversary date of the contract. If a price increase is approved after the third anniversary date, then that price must remain firm for the two remaining years of the contract. Price adjustment requests will be evaluated on an annual basis thereafter. Requests for price adjustments shall not exceed the percentage of change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the previous twelve months of the anniversary date, but shall not exceed 3% per adjustment. The CPI will not be seasonally adjusted. SBBC reserves the right to request a reduction in contract prices equal to the percentage of change of the CPI in the event of a reduction. SBBC reserves the right to not renew any contract regardless of price considerations. Information on the CPI may be obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics at http://www.bls.govor by contacting the Bureau directly.


2012-2013 YearbookLife Offers

For more than a dozen years YearbookLife has provided an easier yearbook design process, excellent yearbook quality and the best prices available to hundreds of elementary, middle, and high schools throughout the country.  In 2012-2013 we are confident we can save you money and make the yearbook process easier than ever before.

Our Best Price On Your Yearbook Includes:


Only One Deadline for the Entire Book

Change the Number of Books or Pages Up Until Submission Without Penalty

FREE Desktop or Online Software

FREE Full Color Stock or Custom Covers

FREE Take Home Collection Envelopes for Every Student

FREE Full Color PDF Proof Copy of the Entire Book

FREE Marketing Posters Announcing Your Yearbook Sale

Every yearbook is entered in our yearbook contest for great prizes.

No Late Fees Ever

No Finance Charges Ever

No Money Required to Get Started


The Team at YearbookLife prides itself on its dedication to our customers, guaranteeing you:

Telephone Customer Support Seven Days a Week Until 10:00pm ET

Onsite and Unlimited Over-the–Web Support

Online Tutorials Accessible to All Members of Your Yearbook Team

March Early Bird Deadline Discounts Available (minimum 100 books)

Late Deadline So You Get More Events in Your Yearbook

Online Student Dedication Ad Design

Online Yearbook Payments

We are a full service yearbook company!

Let us schedule a webinar with you and your team so we can review our software and show you how to make your yearbook experience easier and less expensive than ever before. Please contact me on my direct line to schedule a time that is best for you.

Contact us today for a No Obligation demo account to test drive our Pictavo software. Simply email with the school name and the word DEMO in the subject line.

Pictavo’s Sophisticated Page Layout Tools

 Advanced Page Layout

  • Column Guides give you the space you need between images and text so your yearbook maintains a crisp, clean and consistent appearance
    from beginning to end
  •  Work in inches or picas-whichever you prefer!
  • Powerful dual-cropper can zoom, crop and resize photo boxes … all with just a few clicks of the mouse
  • Rotate photos, clip art and design elements in l-degree increments
  • Optional grid view and rulers view enable perfect accuracy
  • Use Snap to Guides for precise placement of page elements
  • Zoom in to selected objects
  • Easily click through multiple layers
  • Add lines for visual impact

Timesaving Templates

  • Choose from hundreds of professionally designed templates inspired by today’s hottest trends in graphic arts.
  • Use as-is or as a starting point
  • Available for single pages or spreads
  • Placeholder text helps you envision final page layout
  • Create and save your own templates

Automatic Portraits Flows

• All the tools you need with the flexibility you want


  • Create your index in record time!
  • Pictavo scans your book to find names and pre-populates your index!
  • Review, revise and add before flowing index onto your pages
  • Define the appearance of your index, such as number of columns, typeface style and whether you’d like alphabetical dividers between
    each section.
  •  Reserve space within your index for candids or design elements that add visual interest.


Learn more about the Pictavo yearbook design software