Navy Cruise Books

The men and women who serve as part of the United States Navy understand the meaning of dedication, protection, and sacrifice. They are trained with the ability to live on a ship, to even fly a plane off of the small runway of a carrier ship, and to fight for our freedom while we sleep quietly at home. Here at YearbookLife, we thank them for their service.
YearbookLife would like to help the men and women of the Navy remember their Navy cruise. You may be wondering what exactly a Navy Cruise Book is. It is a book published to the crew that documents their cruise/deployment. Acquiring a military cruise book can be quite difficult, but that should not be the case for the brave men and women of our Navy. A Navy cruise book is unofficial, meaning that normally officers and men of the ship put the book together themselves. The Navy will not stock copies of these. Much like a schools yearbook, you should order one before they sell out.  At YearbookLife, we make creating and publishing a Navy Cruise Book enjoyable and easy. The cruise book is a tradition, and with our help you will be a part of something great. With your cruise book, you can show family and friends your experiences with great detail, which is what a cruise book offers you. Our cruise books are printed in full color, and will be made to work around any budget.

This is your chance to acquire a piece of your own personal history, to cherish forever.  Let help you create your next Navy Cruise Book.

3D School Yearbooks

Would you like to have a yearbook that really blows people away? Of course, everyone wants a unique yearbook to share with friends and family. As the senior class, you would love to have your yearbook be remembered for years to come.  Do not be afraid to start a new tradition with your schools yearbook staff. A great creative idea for your yearbook is to make it in 3D! YearbookLife is one of the few yearbook publishers to offer 3D yearbooks. You will have a yearbook that not many other schools and or students have. Let your school have the best yearbook around!

A 3D yearbook will create the wow factor you have been looking for! Wondering how YearbookLife made this possible? It’s simple with the help of graphic designers and publishers. With their help we are able to transform a standard, two-dimensional yearbook into a 3-D yearbook that will come to life. When you order your 3D yearbook, YearbookLife will supply your school with 3D glasses. Just imagine seeing your picture come to life in front of your own eyes! You are the generation of technology so you should have the newest kind of yearbook. 3D has become extremely popular in the media, such as in major featured films.

Your school and yearbook can be a part of a great new technology and can be among the few schools that offer such a great feature. Contact YearbookLife today to learn more about your 3D yearbook.

Close to the End of the School Year for the Yearbook Staff

It is getting close to the end of the school year, and yearbook staffs  have hit that stage of the school year where they are now finished with the yearbook. It is just a few weeks away from the final product being delivered and the distribution day.

It can be difficult finding things to keep the yearbook staff busy untill then, especially yearbook staff who don’t have their eyes on getting ready for next year’s book. But there are definitely productive tasks your yearbook staff can be working on.

Some things the yearbook staff can do while waiting for this year’s school yearbooks to arrive:

  • Have the yearbook staff research colleges and careers, then present on them – journalist, graphic designer, even yearbook rep. They can interview professionals in the field.
  • Create a portfolio of their best yearbook spreads and journalist work.
  • Let them work on marketing ideas to sell more books for this year, if you have any left over. For next year, they can stuff folders to go out for next year’s ad and yearbook sales.
  • The yearbook staff has learned all the yearbook tricks, and they know how to survive every ordeal, so have them create a “Survival Guide” for future yearbook staffers.
  • Have the yearbook staff help with a curriculum, and provide input on what next year’s yearbook class should be graded on.
  • Get your yearbook staff to research distribution ideas to make for a smooth distribution day.
  • Theme ideas are always one of the most enjoyable areas of the yearbook to brainstorm. Allow the yearbook staff to provide input on next year’s theme.
  • Have you thought about doing a supplement? If not, there could still be time, and the yearbook staff should be in charge of a supplement covering graduation or prom.
  • Have the yearbook staff create fliers to help recruit students for next year’s staff.
  • Have you tried some fundraising lately? The yearbook staff could organize a bake sale, or a barbecue to raise some money for yearbook.

Don’t forget to tell your future yearbook staff about the yearbook publishing and printing resources available at!

The Pictavo Yearbook Publishing Software

There are a few great yearbook software programs available. Finding the right one for you and your yearbook staff is important. If you are tired of older yearbook publishing software, why not consider looking into something new?  Check out one of the newest yearbook design software available, Pictavo. 
Pictavo is a comprehensive browser-based yearbook software application that has project management, page layout and collaboration tools that allow your yearbook staff to easily communicate, collaborate, and create.  Pictavo software is built to work with you and your team. It is easy to use, so you will not have to worry about confusion anymore. Pictavo allows your team to work on the Yearbook from different locations that shows any other users the real time changes. There is a chat option, so you as an editor can keep in touch with your staff without being there in person.  Don’t let yourself think that just because the software is easy to use you will be missing out on any features or sophisticated design tools. Pictavo makes sure to include the best of the best, while keeping it user friendly.

One great feature is the ability to use a page layout template. This can be used as is or can be edited to how you see fit. Not only does this make creating each page easier, but it will save you time! Also, there is only one deadline when using Pictavo software! Pictavo helps you along the way by managing the yearbook staff and timeline. Now, you will have more time to capture events at your school.

If you are looking for a yearbook design program that is easy to use, with new and fun features look no further. Pictavo is a great program. Click here to find out more about the Pictavo software.

Don’t Forget to Submit Your Yearbook

As of today, if we do not have a record of your yearbook being submitted, this pertains to you. 

Any books submitted this week, March 28 – April 3, may not be delivered until the week of May 30!  Books submitted next week, April 4 – 8, may not be delivered until the week of June 9!

Please be aware of your last day of school and how these deadlines may effect yearbook distribution.

Contact us if you have any questions about the submission process. Thank you for your attention to this manner.
Local: 954-447-5157
Toll Free: 888-680-0143

Yearbook Life Early Bird Deadlines are Past Due

Important Information for All YearbookLife Customers:

Here are a few things you should know about your school yearbook.

YearbookLife reminds current customers that our agreement indicates that you if you  intended to submit your book by our Early Bird Deadline of March 15 and  you have not submitted your school yearbook yet, it is past due.

There is no penalty for submitting your book past that date, but we wanted to remind you that you must submit your book 8 weeks prior to the date you would like delivery.

Therefore, any books submitted from March 28 – April 3 may not be delivered until the week of May 30.  Books submitted after April 4 may not be delivered until after June 9.

Please be aware of these deadlines and contact us if you have any questions about the submission process.



Go to File/Export Cover and follow the on-screen instructions.  You will then receive an email directing you to to review the pdf proof of your cover and to complete the cover production form. 

You may then export your book by going to File/Export and following the same instructions to review the pdf and complete the Yearbook Production form.  The export process is not complete if you have not completed the Yearbook Production Form. 

You will receive a hard copy proof of both your cover and your book within three weeks of these exports.  Please contact us if you have any questions about the export process.

Local: 954-447-5157
Toll Free: 888-680-0143