It is getting close to the end of the school year, and yearbook staffs  have hit that stage of the school year where they are now finished with the yearbook. It is just a few weeks away from the final product being delivered and the distribution day.

It can be difficult finding things to keep the yearbook staff busy untill then, especially yearbook staff who don’t have their eyes on getting ready for next year’s book. But there are definitely productive tasks your yearbook staff can be working on.

Some things the yearbook staff can do while waiting for this year’s school yearbooks to arrive:

  • Have the yearbook staff research colleges and careers, then present on them – journalist, graphic designer, even yearbook rep. They can interview professionals in the field.
  • Create a portfolio of their best yearbook spreads and journalist work.
  • Let them work on marketing ideas to sell more books for this year, if you have any left over. For next year, they can stuff folders to go out for next year’s ad and yearbook sales.
  • The yearbook staff has learned all the yearbook tricks, and they know how to survive every ordeal, so have them create a “Survival Guide” for future yearbook staffers.
  • Have the yearbook staff help with a curriculum, and provide input on what next year’s yearbook class should be graded on.
  • Get your yearbook staff to research distribution ideas to make for a smooth distribution day.
  • Theme ideas are always one of the most enjoyable areas of the yearbook to brainstorm. Allow the yearbook staff to provide input on next year’s theme.
  • Have you thought about doing a supplement? If not, there could still be time, and the yearbook staff should be in charge of a supplement covering graduation or prom.
  • Have the yearbook staff create fliers to help recruit students for next year’s staff.
  • Have you tried some fundraising lately? The yearbook staff could organize a bake sale, or a barbecue to raise some money for yearbook.

Don’t forget to tell your future yearbook staff about the yearbook publishing and printing resources available at!