Design Ideas for a Yearbook

A yearbook is something a student will hold on and keep forever. It is a keepsake that in thirty years will still be great to look at and enjoy with friends and family.

Design Creativity InspirationBesides the spelling and photos of the yearbook, the actual design of the book is crucial. That is because the yearbook not only needs to carry on the great memories of that graduating class but also generate excitement every single time it is looked at.

With that being said, here are a few design ideas on how to make your class’s yearbook great:

  • Current Events. One great design idea is to incorporate the yearbook into what’s going on with current events in the world. For example, The U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team just won the World Cup. If you are looking to showcase events that occurred during the class’s graduating year, that may be a great one to include.

  • Utilize Trends. In 2015, why not incorporate the biggest TV shows and movies. Was it Jurassic World and Minions that were the big movies everyone was talking about? Was everyone chatting about Orange Is The New Black and Game of Thrones in the school hallway? Why not try to match the colors and fonts similar to the look of these shows and movies.

    Are all the students currently hooked on Snapchat and Instagram? Why not have some of the photos include a special filter that will remind them of what things they are currently using, watching and participating in. These types of things will bring back a slew of memories and laughs in future years to come.

  • Look for Uniqueness. What makes this graduating class stand out? What makes them different from other school years? What characteristics best describe student life today? By holding a few focus groups with the graduating class will help answer these questions and create a vision and basis for the yearbook’s design.

Designing your class’s yearbook should be fun, meaningful and creative. The theme shouldn’t though be overstated and should simply be supported through the details within it including the text and photos.

If you still need assistance and are hitting a “road-block” you can always get fresh, creative ideas and resources through YearbookLife’s Pictavo software program. It provides a slew of templates that will most certainly get your creative juices flowing!

Happy designing!

How To Get Inspiration Ideas For Your Class Yearbook

Like with any other memorable piece, a yearbook is a very important possession for a graduating class. What you put in it isn’t something that you need to just thirty seconds to think about. You want everything to be perfect!

Yearbook Inspiration IdeasCreating the perfect yearbook can sometimes be frustrating and a little inspiration may be needed in order to achieve that “creative spark.” But where do you find that inspiration? How can you get inspired? Here are a few tips on how to best get inspired for creating that memorable yearbook:

  • Develop A Theme. Themes should relate to the attitude of the year that your school just had or is having. Was there a milestone or special event that went during the year? By creating a theme and building around that will make the entire process that much more smoother.
  • Work Off Of Popular Phrases. Besides your class photos and the photos of your teams and clubs your yearbook needs good content. One way is by feeding off popular phrases. For Example the “Keep Calm and blank” line or the “I Heart Blank” line. People always remember these. Why not get some inspiration from them and create some pages that have custom lines that feed off these popular phrases.
  • Utilize Current Events. Whether it is good or bad, people always remember major news stories and current events. Why not intertwine it with your yearbook and create pages and provide quotes or mentions of where students were during a specific event that everyone will always remember.

There is no good or bad yearbook. Every yearbook should be unique and feature a theme that most closely resembles its graduating class as well as something they will want to go back and look at for years to come.

Finding Great Yearbook Quotes

Your school yearbook is one of the best physical keepsakes you get as a graduate. As the date approaches, you think long-and-hard what you are going to say as you sign each and everyone of your classmate’s books. You want the messages to be special so they are read over and over again.

Great Yearbook QuotesSometimes though, you can get various brain freezes on what you should say or whom you should quote. Something that maybe hysterical or meaningful now may mean something completely different in the future. While that is part of the fun, where are some great places to get awesome yearbook quotes to share with your classmates and students? Here are a few yearbook quote ideas:

  • Utilizing the movies. People always remember famous movie lines. From the The Terminator’s “I’ll Be Back” to Jerry Maguire’s “Show Me The Money”, there are many famous lines that come from movies that you can relate to with classmates. Maybe you went and saw a particular movie that you both talk about all the time. Utilizing movies can be a great way to get memorable quotes.
  • Look up notable names. Whether it is Maya Angelou, Malcolm X or Steve Jobs, there are many famous and successful people that have spoken inspirationally throughout their lives. Look up some of those names and see how some of the quotes relate to a relationship you have with a specific classmate or in a teacher’s case, student.
  • Children’s books. Some of the best quotes ever said come from fictional characters in children’s books. From Dr. Seuss to Winnie The Pooh, there are a tremendous amount of children’s quotes that can relate well with graduates. These quotes will surely last a lifetime and can be used again and again with future generations.


Reading back on inspirational quotes in your school yearbook from classmates, teachers and staff will surely put a smile on your face long after they are written. By putting a little thought into it, it will certainly keep you top-of-mind for years to come!


Yearbook Distribution: The Ideal Time To Give Out Yearbooks

Yearbook Distribution IdeasReceiving a Yearbook is a great day for any school and its students. It’s a day to take time out to turn the pages and get signatures and comments from your classmates, teachers and the school faculty. But when exactly is the best time for students and staff to get their yearbooks? Here are a few yearbook distribution ideas:

Option 1:

Right after Spring Break. Depending on when the school year ends, March or April is a good time to hand out yearbooks. This gives students an ideal amount of time to get their fellow classmates and teachers to get signatures and enjoy the book before graduation.

Option 2:

During Exam Week. Finals, no matter at what age is a very stressful time for students. It is also a time when students have a lot more free time then a usual school week. By getting a yearbook during finals week can help break up the stress of the exams and give students something else to do and enjoy when not studying. In addition, there is some free time where they can meet with their peers to get signatures.

Option 3:

Before Graduation. Getting a yearbook during graduation can be an additional excitement that adds to that special day. In one hand they will have a diploma. In the other they will have a brand new yearbook that they can enjoy going into the summer.

No matter when the yearbook is given out, it is one of the top highlights from the school year. Give them out and enjoy the smile on each and every one of the recipient’s faces.

Get All of Your Events in the Yearbook – Here’s How

Supplement 3

But wait… there’s more! SUPPLEMENTS!

Your yearbook is almost done and ready to submit. But there are still several weeks of school left and several more activities. What a shame it would be to not have all of those end of year activities included in your yearbook. Don’t fret… that’s what Supplements are for!

Printed on yearbook quality paper and generally 4-24 pages, Supplements allow you to include activities and events that occur after the yearbook 40045_SUPLMNT.inddsubmission date. Since supplements only take 2 weeks for production and 1 week for delivery, you can have these back in no time!

Contact us to create a new account that will allow you to start working on these pages today.