5 Tips to Meet Your Yearbook Deadlines

Spring is here! Flowers are starting to bloom, the birds are singing. You know what else happens in spring? Yearbook deadlines. In order to make sure that your yearbooks are delivered on time, it’s important to make your yearbook deadline. 

It can be a hectic time of the year. Late evenings and weekends spent working to ensure that yearbook deadlines are met. But it doesn’t need to be this way. 

When planned correctly, your yearbook deadline should be seen as an accomplishment, rather than a dreaded date hanging over you. That’s why we’ve put together these 5 tips to help meet your yearbook deadlines.  

5 Tips to Meet Your Yearbook Deadlines

Meeting yearbook deadlines can be a daunting task for yearbook advisers. However, deadlines can be easily managed with a bit of organization. These tips can help make the process much smoother for you. 

  1.  Set Micro-Deadlines

You can get ahead on your yearbook creation by setting micro-deadlines throughout the year. For example, certain school events will happen earlier on in the year. Once the event has passed, don’t wait until the spring to collate your yearbook pages detailing it! Get it prepped, proofed and ready to go. 

  1.  Create a Team Calendar

Take your micro-deadlines one step further by setting up a calendar that your yearbook team can review. Visible deadlines can help keep everyone more accountable and build a great sense of teamwork. 

Make sure your calendar includes the small and large deadlines. You want your final yearbook deadline front and center of mind. Try writing it at the top of your calendar, so everyone is reminded as the date gets closer. 

  1.  Checklists

Checklists are a great way to keep everyone on track. Build out a checklist for everyone to see. You may want to build it by page, or by section. Whichever you feel is more suitable. Plus, by creating a checklist, you get the added satisfaction of marking items complete as you make progress! 

  1.  Proofing Deadline

This can go hand in hand with your micro-deadlines. Set proofing deadlines for your yearbook content as you go along. It will help you save time later! 

For example, proofing school portraits. When you get these files from your school photographer, build in a deadline for these to be proofed. 

  1.  Build in a Buffer

Giving yourself a bit of a time buffer prior to your yearbook deadline can be a great idea. Consider how long your yearbook is going to be. Say, for example, you need to finish 30 pages over the next 3 weeks. That’s 10 pages per week. Step it up a notch and aim for 15. This puts you slightly ahead, so if you finish in advance, great!

Similarly, when it comes to your yearbook class, set an earlier deadline. Because let’s face it, even with the best planning in the world, delays can happen! Building in a time buffer of a couple of weeks can help take some pressure off. 

Get a FREE Yearbook Quote from YearbookLife today!

At YearbookLife, we make yearbooks easy. Our easy-to-use yearbook design software and technical support assistance help simplify the yearbook process for you. Plus, our experienced customer care team are on hand to help you market your yearbook and increase your yearbook sales. If you’d like to request a quote today, please click here.

Yearbook Fundraising Ideas

Fundraising is an important part of any yearbook committee’s job. Funds are needed for more than just to cover the cost of the yearbook itself. Additional expenses can include workshops, equipment, software, or even a team pizza night! 

The basic costs of your yearbook should be covered by yearbook sales, as well as ad revenue. By basic costs, we’re talking about the costs to print your yearbook. And let’s be honest, these costs rise every year. Your yearbook fundraising needs to be able to keep up.

Finding new and fun ways to raise funds for your yearbook may seem like a challenge. Perhaps you’ve already explored the more traditional fundraising ideas, like a bake sale. This year, you’re looking for something a little different! 

At YearbookLife, we’ve been helping school’s create unique, memorable yearbooks for over 20 years. Throughout that time, we’ve learned some tips and tricks to help with your yearbook fundraising. Give it a try yourself with these school yearbook fundraising ideas.

Yearbook Fundraising Ideas

Some of the best yearbook fundraising ideas involve thinking outside the box. We’ve browsed success stories, and learned from our own experience. Try out some of these yearbook fundraising ideas for your school. 

  1. Sell Empty Space – We’ve all run into the problem. A blank page in your yearbook, that you don’t know what to fill with. Often, we default to throwing some candid photos in there just to fill it. Instead of thinking of a blank page as wasted space, consider it an opportunity. Give students an option to buy the candid space to highlight the photos that they want to feature. Charge per photo or per person in each picture. Suddenly, a wasted page has become a nice way to raise additional yearbook funds. 
  1. Use Your Assets – *Snap snap*. Taking pictures and yearbooks go hand in hand. But there are a lot of photos that don’t make the final cut! Instead of letting them sit in a folder hidden away on the cloud, give people an option to purchase these. Put together CDs or USBs with some outtakes, and give people the option to buy them! 

Other traditional yearbook fundraising ideas include: 

  1. Food Catalogs – Who doesn’t love a tasty snack? Sometimes a bit of sugar is the welcome boost that we all need in the middle of the afternoon. Use this as an opportunity to raise additional yearbook funds. Some things that you could consider selling include: Gourmet popcorn fundraisers, Candy fundraisers & Bake sale fundraisers.
  1. Take Advantage of Existing Facilities – Does your school have a canteen that serves refreshments during sporting events? Speak to your school administration, and see if using this canteen for a bit of time either before or after school would be an option. One yearbook advisor in Illinois tried this approach, using the school canteen for 30 minutes each day before class. Selling coffee, muffins and other drinks they were able to raise $5,000 in profit in one year!

These 4 school yearbook fundraising ideas can be a fun and unique way to raise extra money for your yearbook. If you’re looking for some help with marketing and selling your yearbook, check out the YearbookLife Marketing Supplies Store

Get a FREE Yearbook Quote from YearbookLife today!

At YearbookLife, we make yearbooks easy. Our easy-to-use yearbook design software and technical support assistance help simplify the yearbook process for you. Plus, our experienced customer care team are on hand to help you market your yearbook and increase your yearbook sales. If you’d like to request a quote today, please click here.

3 Ways Your Yearbook Class Makes Students “Career-Ready”

Students may sometimes wonder, “When am I ever going to use this in real life?” Well, that’s not the case with yearbook class. Yearbook class helps students to learn a variety of skills that will likely be useful to them in the future, especially when pursuing their careers. This includes how to communicate more effectively, handle problems, grow as a leader, manage your time, and meet important deadlines. These are important skills to have as students continue their schooling, and they become even more critical as they enter post-secondary schools and/or the workforce.

Here are a few ways that yearbook class gets students career-ready:

  1.  Helps Students Learn Crucial Life Skills

Students working on the yearbook develop planning, organization, and teamwork skills which they will use through school, college, and their careers. Time management, prioritizing, reliability, and the responsibility of following through on tasks when others depend on you are some of the other crucial life skills that students learn when working on the school yearbook. Students participating in the development of the yearbook also learn to be accountable to others for completion of their assigned responsibilities.

All of these skills are important in order to keep the school yearbook project on track and meet all the deadlines provided by the yearbook publisher. 

  1.  Teaches Students Valuable Business Skills

Yearbook class is similar to a business, in that you’re creating and selling a product. This provides an opportunity to learn valuable business skills such as budgeting, promotion, advertising, marketing, customer service and market research. 

  1.  Helps Students Gain Various Technical Skills

Working on the school yearbook and using yearbook design software, photo-editing programs, and project management software helps students learn various technical skills such as working with computers, photography, journalism, and graphic design. This makes students more valuable candidates for employers, and also may play a vital role in helping them decide what they want to do when they finish their schooling.

Looking for a Yearbook Publisher? Have a Question? Contact Us Today!

YearbookLife delivers extraordinary service and yearbook products at an affordable price. To learn more or to request a quote online today, click here. If you would like to speak with a YearbookLife representative, contact us today.

How to Keep Your Yearbook Class Motivated Through the Holidays

With Christmas and New Years approaching, students are probably preparing for winter break, and in anticipation of this time off, it may be difficult to keep your yearbook staff on task in order to meet those December and January deadlines. On top of that, after the long break, it’s common for students to come back to school and need help refocusing. So what can you do? Don’t fight the holidays, embrace them!

To keep the yearbook class motivated through the holidays, yearbook advisers often try to mix in some fun with the work that still needs to get done. This can help keep the spirit alive in your classroom while meeting your yearbook deadlines. It can be as simple as throwing on some music while you do your “yearbook” work, adding some festive decor to the room, or celebrating your accomplishments with a staff party.

Here are a few tips and ideas on how to keep your yearbook class motivated through the holidays:

  • Set reasonable expectations! Although work still needs to get done, remember that the holidays are a time for family and friends. Let everyone know ahead of time what is expected of them during the break and how you’ll “hit the ground running” upon return. It’s important for them to understand what the goals are, but don’t overburden them during the break.
  • Share with other people what the yearbook class is up to. Use daily announcements, the school newspaper, social media, or emails to parents. This can be a great way to increase awareness as well as interest in the school yearbook. This is a great time to encourage yearbook and ad sales while people are in a “giving” mood.
  • Host a “School Yearbook Photo Contest.” Announce it ahead of time and during the break to the school students and staff. You can set up a Dropbox, email, Facebook group, or Instagram where students / parents can submit their pictures from winter break. This will help with your yearbook coverage through the holidays and a nice “How I Spent my Winter Vacation” section for the yearbook! 
  • Throw a “Holiday” party. Bring treats for everyone to enjoy! 
  • Will some students be away during the break? Schedule a couple of Zoom chats, so everyone can check in and catch up. Or if they’re staying local, arrange a coffee meet-up!
  • Have a gift or an ornament exchange. Maybe a Secret Santa exchange with a small dollar limit for those ‘always broke’ students.
  • Play a game during your downtime (i.e. “Never have I Ever”, a trivia game, or a scavenger hunt). 
  • Take your yearbook class to an escape room or other group activity. Great for team building. And super fun!
  • Then, get back to finishing an amazing school yearbook!

Need Yearbook Help? Have a Question? Contact Us Today!

YearbookLife delivers extraordinary service and yearbook products at an affordable price. To learn more or to request a quote online today, click here. If you would like to speak with a YearbookLife representative, contact us today.

Online School Storefronts Available at YearbookLife

At YearbookLife, we’re always looking for ways to enhance your yearbook creation experience. We’re also focused on improving our customer experience. That’s why YearbookLife offers online school storefronts. 

What is an Online School Storefront?

YearbookLife’s online school storefronts are a convenient way to allow parents, students and staff to purchase their yearbooks online

Reasons to set up Your Online School Storefront

There are a number of reasons to set up an online school storefront. Here are just a few! 

Maximize Yearbook Sales

An online storefront can give you a head start when it comes to selling your yearbook. Maximize your yearbook sales by starting earlier in the year.

Easier Tracking & Administration

With YearbookLife’s online storefront, you can track all the sales of your yearbook in one place. Sales are processed online, meaning you don’t need to worry about a yearbook advisor collecting money! It’s a more accurate, streamlined way to collect money and track sales.

How To Get Your Online School Storefront Set Up

It’s simple to get your online school storefront set up. We would just need a few details from you, including:

  • What price do you want to charge for your yearbooks?
  • What is your yearbook sales deadline date?
  • A direct ship to home option may also be available.

Understanding your requirements will help us set up your storefront. If you’d like further details, please email us today at help@yearbooklife.com.

Not a Customer Yet? Contact Us Today for a FREE Quote!

At YearbookLife, we pride ourselves on our competitive pricing, customer and technical support, fast delivery, and our free, easy-to-use software. If you’d like to request a quote today, please click here.

3 Yearbook Planning Steps Yearbook Advisors Should Take for Next Year

Summer is just around the corner. Long, lazy summer days relaxing with friends and family. It’s definitely something to look forward to! 

As the relaxed atmosphere of summer sets in, it can be easy to forget about planning ahead. School, homework, even yearbooks can all wait. Right? You may be tempted to think so. But let’s be realistic. Procrastinating now can make for a panicked and stressful rush when it comes to crunch time. 

When it comes to planning ahead for your yearbook, a few simple steps is all it takes. Here are 3 yearbook planning steps yearbook advisors should take for next year. 

3 Yearbook Planning Steps

At YearbookLife, we’ve been helping schools create unforgettable yearbooks for over 20 years. And we want to help yearbook advisors like you, create an unforgettable yearbook. 

Our experience has taught us a few things. This includes things that yearbook advisors should be planning in advance. Here’s our top 3 recommended yearbook planning steps to take for next year. 

Review Last Year’s Yearbook

You’ve finished the final proof of your yearbook. Captions have been written. Photos have been sourced. Content has been checked and rechecked. Finally, your yearbook is complete! 

Rather than kicking your feet up and relaxing, this is actually a great time to plan ahead for next year’s yearbook. Why? The process is fresh in your mind! Ask yourself: 

What processes worked? 

Was there one particular process that really, really worked? Perhaps it was how you had organized your yearbook team. Perhaps it was crowdsourcing your school for yearbook ideas. 

Whatever the successes, mark these down. You’ll want to replicate your success with the next year’s yearbook!

What didn’t work? 

Equally, think about what didn’t work. Did you have enough time to thoroughly proofread your yearbook? Did you get enough content from students and staff? 

Understanding what didn’t work will also help you in the coming year. 

Start Planning Your Yearbook Committee

Although it’s still too early to actively recruit new students or volunteers, it’s not too early to start planning! You’ll want to have a clear idea of the roles you need covered in your yearbook committee. These will likely include: 

  • Editor in Chief
  • Assistant Editor
  • Photographer
  • Journalist
  • Sales People
  • Yearbook Designers
  • Copy Editor
  • Yearbook Marketers
  • Treasurer

By defining how you want your yearbook committee structured, it’s easier to assign your yearbook staff to appropriate roles. Remember to consider your yearbook committee from the current year. Did you feel that there were any areas that needed additional support? 

Find a Yearbook Publisher

Your yearbook publisher is one of the most important decisions you can make when creating a yearbook. An experienced yearbook publisher can help you create an unforgettable yearbook. They can help advise you on the entire yearbook process, from design to sales.

Consider the relationship you had with your yearbook publisher this year. Did you feel that you were getting the support you needed? Did you feel that there was perhaps more support required? 

Research various yearbook publishers, and you’ll find some offer far more services than others. You may need a yearbook publisher who can: 

  • Provide help with yearbook themes
  • Give you access to free yearbook software to create your yearbook 
  • Provide yearbook marketing support
  • Offer unlimited training and tech support
  • Provide specialty cover options
  • Use only one deadline
  • Provide free shipping

The right yearbook publisher does so much more than print your yearbook. They can provide an immersive support structure to make your yearbook a success. 

Not a Customer Yet? Contact Us Today for a FREE Quote!

At YearbookLife, we pride ourselves on our competitive pricing, customer and technical support, fast delivery, and our free, easy-to-use software. If you’d like to request a quote today, please click here.