Yearbook Staff Tips: Picking a Yearbook Theme

Is your yearbook staff struggling with inspiration for your new year’s theme? No two yearbooks should ever be alike, but at YearbookLife we know sometimes that coming up with new ideas can be difficult. This of course does not mean that you cannot use a past yearbook to pull ideas from! It is a great start if you and your yearbook staff are struggling for ideas.

The theme of your yearbook can reflect something that has happened in your school or in the media in the past year. Themes can also be pulled from fun quotes as well. Once you have gotten your yearbook theme, it is time to start putting it to work throughout your entire school yearbook. A fun and creative idea is to incorporate your yearbook’s theme with portrait pages, club sports pages, and  take your theme beyond just the yearbook cover. Adding graphics and utilizing your page layout can be a great way to make your yearbook different for every year.  Of course, not every page has to be loaded with graphics or quotes, but when you find it fitting, do not be afraid to create! Click here to View School Yearbook Samples 0r View Gallery of Yearbook Cover Ideas.

Making sure that your theme is carried throughout your entire yearbook is a fun way to make your yearbook different every single time.  This great way to keep things interesting may mean putting a little bit more work into your yearbook, but with great free software like Pictavo from YearbookLife, these steps will be simple!  For more support concerning your school yearbook, contact YearbookLife for any questions or concerns, also don’t forget to check out our YearbookLife YouTube channel and watch our videos for helpful yearbook tips!

My Yearbook Sales: Yearbook Sales and Yearbook Ad Design Online

Attention all yearbook staff members, did you know that YearbookLife has teamed up with My Yearbook Sales? This means great things for yearbook staff, students, and also parents. My Yearbook Sales helps make the steps along the way in your yearbook ad design and sale process easier. So what exactly are we talking about here? You get a great service that helps you with sales and yearbook ad designs through easy to use tools.

My Yearbook Sales allows you to sell both your yearbook and accessories online. This means a greater and easier accessibility for parents, no more worrying about getting a form to fill out from school. For the yearbook staff, this means you won’t have to receipt every sale, because it is all kept online. This great service also allows parents to easily and more creatively design their child’s recognition or senior ads, all by submitting it online. For the yearbook staff that means simply downloading the JPG file and adding it to the ad section, ad design at its simplest!

The benefits for the yearbook staff, parents, and students by using My Yearbook Sales are huge.  This time saving online tool will help you increase accessibility to your school yearbook! YearbookLife is proud to offer this great service to our customers to help with your yearbook sales and yearbook dedication ads! Contact us for more information on YearbookLife and yearbook sales.


School Yearbooks: Year In Review Supplement Pages

Have you taken the time to think about how much happens throughout the school year? Maybe a student made a new group of friends or maybe they tried a new sport and found out they excelled at it. So much can happen during the course of a year. Not only do events in school happen but outside of school too, the news and media are constantly updating viewers with current events.

These current events make a great addition to any yearbook- elementary, middle or high school. Not only do students get the chance to view their personal events during their school experience, but they also have the ability to see what major events happened in the world during their school year. This Year in Review supplement is a great option to keep everyone up to date on the happenings locally and globally. Yearbook supplement pages help you remember the year’s best events! A Year in Review supplement comes in either 4 or 8 pages, all full of bright and colorful images of the current year’s events. Things like sports, politics, entertainment, and so on are some of the included topics. Year in Review supplement pages make your yearbook more than ordinary, they make your yearbook unique every single year.

When you order your yearbook from YearbookLife, don’t forget to ask about our Year in Review pages. Add that extra kick to your yearbook to make it the best and most desired yearbook your school has ever seen! Contact us today for more information on Year in Review Supplement Pages.

Yearbook Personalization Available at YearbookLife

Every student no matter what grade they are in whether it is, elementary, middle, or high schools all look forward to having a school yearbook. The yearbook is their memory keepsake of their school year with great friends, clubs, and sports.  There is an excitement to see the finished product and to see their pictures throughout the many pages of the yearbook. While looking for a few pictures within the pages of the yearbook is exciting, imagine having a personalized yearbook!

With YearbookLife, personalization is one of the many options your yearbook team has. One personalization choice available is to add an individual name onto the cover of the yearbook. There is also the option to add the student’s personal photograph onto the front cover of their yearbook. Not only do these options make a student feel more connected to their yearbook but they also ensure that if a yearbook is ever lost, it can easily be returned to its owner. Personalization can add that little extra touch to put the final finish on a yearbook. It also is a great way to raise additional funds from your yearbook.

Yearbook Personalization is such an easy way to make your yearbook unique for every single student. Through personalization you can reach all of your students and make them feel included in their yearbook even more so than before. YearbookLife has the tools you need for a quality and affordable Yearbook. There are many more school yearbook options available; to learn more contact us today!

Sports Media Guides at YearbookLife

When we think of fall and winter during the school year, we all tend to think of the sports that are played during the seasons. There is the football team, field hockey, soccer, baseball, basketball, etc. Students and parent’s alike love going to the games to see their teams hard work pay off.   A great way to remember the hard work put into the team is through a sports book/media guide. It is about time to start thinking of how exactly you want to show off your team for the season!

YearbookLife offers everything from a full color professional sports media guide to simple booklets that highlight your team.  If you want something in between those two things, we’ve got that too!  Not only are media guides great for your friends and family but it is also a great fundraising tool for your team. Sports media book fundraising is a great way to easily raise funds, increase team visibility, create a selling tool to recruits, etc. There are a few ways you can go about your fundraising, by selling raffles or offering a car wash service for a weekend. One of the best ways to make funds for your team though, is by selling ads in your sports book and or media guide to local businesses.  The benefits of having a sports book for your team are endless!

YearbookLife urges you to think about making your sports book as soon as you can. It offers many benefits to your team and is a great keepsake for the family. Contact YearbookLife today for more information!

When we think of fall and winter during the school year, we all tend to think of the sports that are played during the seasons. There is the football team, field hockey, soccer, baseball, basketball, etc. Students and parent’s alike love going to the games to see their teams hard work pay off.   A great way to remember the hard work put into the team is through a sports book/media guide. It is about time to start thinking of how exactly you want to show off your team for the season!

YearbookLife offers everything from a full color professional sports media guide to simple booklets that highlight your team.  If you want something in between those two things, we’ve got that too!  Not only are media guides great for your friends and family but it is also a great fundraising tool for your team. Sports media book fundraising is a great way to easily raise funds, increase team visibility, create a selling tool to recruits, etc. There are a few ways you can go about your fundraising, by selling raffles or offering a car wash service for a weekend. One of the best ways to make funds for your team though, is by selling ads in your sports book and or media guide to local businesses.  The benefits of having a sports book for your team are endless!

YearbookLife urges you to think about making your sports book as soon as you can. It offers many benefits to your team and is a great keepsake for the family. Contact YearbookLife today for more information!

Yearbook Staff Resources: Helpful Videos at the YearbookLife YouTube Channel

YearbookLife proudly introduced a new help center to aid our customers in their yearbook production process. This help center offers slide shows with helpful information to answer many commonly asked questions. In addition to our Yearbook Help Center, we also have a great YearbookLife YouTube Channel with tons of helpful videos including video tutorials for the top yearbook design software as well as other short videos with yearbook design tips that could help any yearbook staff!

YearbookLife’s YouTube Channel posts great informational vlogs to help you in a more visual step by step manor. These videos are created to show you exactly how to go about being successful at many different important parts of the yearbook design process. Through both showing you the actions on our computer screen and talking you through every step, the yearbook design process is made simple and very useful. Some of the videos on our channel currently include the importance of image resolution, how to scan images onto your computer, minimum computer requirements for our free yearbook software, Pictav, EZBook, and many more! These videos can be shown to your yearbook staff or yearbook administers as a great supplement to meetings or mini workshops.

At YearbookLife, we would love to hear your feedback on our uploaded videos. If there are specific topics you would like to see or believe would be helpful, contact us, we would be more than happy to help. Make sure you subscribe to our channel for free educational videos on important yearbook design process and publication topics. So what are you waiting for, subscribe to YearbookLife now!