Pictavo Training Available at YearbookLife

We want you to have a stress free yearbook season and, to that end, we have Pictavo training available to you and your yearbook team at no charge.  We hope that you will take advantage of the following options:

1. Personalized Webinar: Would you like to schedule a one-on-one webinar with our Pictavo trainer, Beth?  To do so, you can contact her directly at beth@yearbooklife.com.  Beth has both day and evening times available.

2. Pictavo Help Menu: The Help Menu within Pictavo provides excellent detailed instructions on all aspects of Pictavo with many video tutorials.  You can also Click Here to go to the Help Center page on our website where you can find helpful videos about Pictavo and Pictavo BuyTheYearbook.

3. Pictavo Tech Support: Our Technical Support team is available to answer any of your Pictavo-related questions.  Please call them at 1-800-887-0414.

Remember we’re here to help!

Technical Support: 1-800-887-0414

Welcome to the 2014-2015 Yearbook Season

Welcome to YearbookLife – we look forward to working with you this year!  Everything is in place for you to begin creating your 2014-2015 yearbook!

Within 24 hours, you will receive an email titled “Welcome to Pictavo” from production@pictavo.com.  This email contains the link to your yearbook.  Please check both your In Box and Spam folder for this email and follow the instructions to activate your book and assign your log in as the Administrator.

Returning Pictavo users will also get the opportunity during this activation to transfer over any customized artwork from last year’s yearbook, including custom backgrounds and clip art, as well as User log ins.

We know that you will be excited about the new enhancements made to Pictavo for this school year.

You will soon receive your Pictavo kit containing design and administrative forms that you will need to refer to to complete your book.  Click Here and select “What’s in the Kit” to watch a short video outlining all of the materials contained in that kit and what you will use them for.

For more information about Pictavo, our yearbook services, and the yearbook process, please Click Here to go to the Customer Home Page of our website where you will find information about:

Service & Support
Pictavo Training
Pictavo BuyTheYearbook
Yearbook Marketing Materials
Our Annual Yearbook Contest
Our Referral Program

Everyone at YearbookLife is excited and committed to assuring your yearbook is a success!  Thank you so much for your support!

Technical Support: 1-800-887-0414
Local: 954-447-5157
Toll Free: 888-680-0143

Submitting Your PDF Yearbook Files

Once you have completed the steps to prepare your yearbook pages, submit all of your materials, along with your completed Production Form, for printing. Once we receive your book, we will preflight for potential problems. If you are submitting PDF files, you will have sent in test files immediately after receiving the PDF Creation Guide Instructions.

Completely fill out and sign the Production Form. We cannot begin processing your book without it! If you have copyrighted information in your book, submit written verifiable permission for use with your Production Form.

When your book is collected or PDF is created, save your files to the following media: CD, DVD or USB drive.

A completed Production Form. One or more CDs, DVDs or USB drives holding your digital layout files, all image files, and any custom
fonts (only if submitting a non-PDF book).

If you chose to create a PDF of your book, include the PDF file(s) on the CD, DVD or USB drive. A printed hard copy should also be submitted for our in-house proofing. Custom covers must be submitted in the completed custom cover Envelope by February 3 (for yearbooks shipping before June 30). For Fall delivery yearbooks (delivered by December 31), cover files must be submitted by August 1.

All digital books will be screened upon arrival to ensure you have followed our guidelines. Any problems and charges will be noted, and we will call you to discuss how to resolve the problems. We reserve the right to return any digital job which does not follow our specifications.

Please note that in the event a hard copy is submitted and there is a discrepancy between the hard copy and the digital file, the digital file will be considered to be the correct version of the document.

You should keep a copy of the digital files you submit. If you would like a proof, arrange this ahead of time so your book can be scheduled accordingly. Proofs are $.50 per page (minimum of $25) plus shipping.

Receiving a proof of the book adds 2 weeks to production time.

Please allow 6 weeks (PDF Books) or 8 weeks (Non-PDF Yearbooks) from the date we receive your yearbook materials and the yearbook passes preflight to the date your books are shipped. Allow up to 5 business days for delivery. Delivery dates are based on reservation or by available dates if no advance reservation is in place.

We hope you enjoyed the process of creating a yearbook with us. It will be a memento of a year to remember…full of memories, friends, great times and unforgettable pictures!

Creating Yearbooks With Your Own Software

Do we need to know a lot about computers to use InDesign or our own graphics program?

You should be familiar with your hard drive, the programs you are using, and how and where to save images.

What programs may we use to create our yearbook?

QuarkXPress® (version 7 or higher), InDesign® (CS3 or higher) or Photoshop®. Knowledge of Photoshop is required if you plan to scan or resize images. Other programs may be used to create PDF files but we support only the programs listed above. If you are using another program to create your files, please contact our graphics department with questions and to submit a test. E-mail service@yearbooklife.com.

How do we begin?

Start by reading the entire PDF Instruction section in this book. Quark users should set all of the preferences as instructed on page 7 of this guide, and use one of the program templates included on your PDF Creation CD (located on the inside front cover of this guide). InDesign users should install the document preset (instructions on page 6). Load and activate color profiles and PDF export settings for both programs; follow instructions for your program, located on pages 10–21.

May we design our yearbook in a facing pages layout?

Yes. Make sure the bleeds are extended on all four sides. Convert your book to PDF files as single pages, and e-mail a PDF test to us before submitting the files for publishing. For more information contact service@yearbooklife.com.

May we include a two-page class picture spread in our book? How do we submit it?

Yes, a two-page class picture spread can be printed in your yearbook. Set it up like any other page in your book that bleeds, making sure the images meet correctly in the center of the two pages.

How should we save our yearbook document?

A PDF book may be submitted in whatever section sizes you would like (1 page, 4 page, 16 page, entire book). PDF files should be named in a manner that clearly indicates the job number and page number; e.g., jobnumber_001-016.pdf.

How do we create a pdf of our yearbook?

Install the PDF export options from the PDF Creation CD included in this guide. Follow PDF Creation Guide instructions that pertain to the programs that you are using to create your yearbook.

Is support available if we encounter problems or have questions?

Yes, phone and e-mail support is available. We will gladly help you with questions regarding our preferences, requirements, artwork, templates and image quality. Contact service@yearbooklife.com. However, we offer limited computer support and are not staffed to instruct first-time program users. For questions about computer programs, it’s best to seek help on the Internet or in your program’s user guide.

Yearbook Cover Questions

May we design our own cover?

Yes, but this may be an additional charge— contact your sales representative for more information. Custom covers have printing on both the back and the front covers. Custom covers must be submitted in the completed Custom Cover Envelope by February 3 (for yearbooks shipping before June 30). For Fall delivery yearbooks (delivered by December 31), cover files must be submitted by August 1. Production cannot begin unless the Custom Cover Envelope has been fully completed and artwork is acceptable.

May we print on the back cover?

Yes, only if you are creating a custom cover. Stock covers can only be imprinted in the logo area on the back.

May we print on the inside of the cover?

Yes, you can print on the inside of soft cover yearbooks, or design endsheets for a hard cover yearbook. There is an additional charge for this. Contact your yearbook representative for more information.


Are we required to use the templates (provided on the pdf creation cd) and/or artwork provided on the artwork dvd? How many fonts can we use?

You may create your own templates and use any custom artwork that follows our guidelines. You may use any of the fonts provided on the Artwork DVD free of charge. PDF books may use an unlimited number of fonts, as long as they are embedded correctly (see the PDF Creation section of this guide—pages 10–19).

How do we access the template libraries provided on the pdf creation cd?

In QuarkXPress and InDesign, go to the File menu and select Open. Locate the loaded CD and choose the desired library. QuarkXPress allows more than one library to be open at a time.

May we modify the templates?

Yes. You may alter them, but keep images and text within the .5″ (1/2″) page margins.

May we sell ad space to help fund our yearbook? Do you have
ad templates?

Yes, you can use our templates which allow from one to eight ads per page (see candid template section) or create your own ad pages.

Simple Steps to Getting Started with Your School Yearbook

How do we put our book together?

Determine the approximate number of pages you will need in the book, based on the number of students and staff members, number of grades, extracurricular activities and other pages you might want in the book. If you plan to use portraits from your school
photographer, contact the photographer at the beginning of the school year. Arrange to have your portraits available, preferably on CD, as early as possible, as you will need them to begin page layout.

How do we organize our yearbook staff?

Assign committees: e.g., coordinator, publicity (advertising and sales), photography, design and layout, proofing, bookkeeping. We suggest the staff include both an adviser and an assistant adviser. Please notify us early with contact information. Include home phone numbers and e-mail addresses to avoid delays. Hold a staff meeting at the beginning of
the school year to set up a schedule for regular staff meetings.

What steps should we take to assemble our book?

Have your photographer supply you with photo prints or a high-resolution digital portrait CD. Follow the guidelines in this guide to create your yearbook. This can be done through school curriculum, your parent/ teacher organization or volunteers. Using committees, you can put the book together in stages. For example, at the beginning of the school year, put together the classroom pages, and then, as each activity, event or sporting season
concludes, add those pages to your book.

What process do we follow to get our book printed?

Complete the Yearbook Checklist found on the PDF Plan Production Form. Gather all the publication materials and send them to us.