Yearbook Deadlines are Fast Approaching

Just a few Reminders from the YearbookLife staff:

1. Export your EZBook. (Be sure to Save a backup copy)

When you have completed your yearbook you will need to export it and put the exported file on a CD or Flash drive (label your flash drives).

The export option can be accessed from either the “Export” option on the file menu or via the “Export” button on the menu bar.

After starting the export process you will be guided through a wizard which will verify that the yearbook is ready for export.

If you are receiving a proof a printed copy of the yearbook is not required.

2. Complete and sign the Production Form located in your EZBook Yearbook kit.

3. 50% Deposit must be included to start production

If you have changed the number of yearbooks or pages or added any additional yearbook services your yearbook price may change from the original price. Please call us before submitting your yearbook so you know the exact deposit amount required.



The very last deadline to submit your yearbook and still receive it before June 1st is March 25. Please keep in mind, you CANNOT do a resubmission after you receive your proof if you submit the book at this time. Be sure to review your yearbook layout design very carefully before it is submitted to avoid any problems later.

To be safe, all yearbooks should be submitted to us by March 20. This will give you enough time to receive a proof, make corrections and do a resubmission, if necessary. There is a $100.00 charge for any yearbook resubmissions and it will add 10 business days to delivery.

Send all yearbooks to:

The Photo Factory

2645 Executive Park Dr

Suite 406

Weston, Fl 33331


Speeding Up Your Computer

Keep in mind, as you add more photos to your yearbook your computer may begin to slow down.  Photos will begin to drain the memory on your computer if those photos are over 1mb each.  The following are some ways to help speed up your computer while working on your yearbook project.

A.  Resize your photos before you bring them into EZBook.

B.  Keep all of your photos on an external hard drive and not on your computer’s hard drive. This includes your personal pictures, music and videos.

C.  Do not import all of the photos into EZBook. Bring only those pictures you intend to use in the book.

Speed up your computer

1. Disk clean up
To begin disk cleanup:
Windows users: Click Start – Programs – Accessories – System Tools – Disk Cleanup. Then check the box next to the drives you want cleaned (check Drive C to clean your hard drive)
Mac users: Open Applications – Utilities – Terminal. Then type “sudo sh/etc/daily.”

1A. delete unwanted programs, these take up memory and clog your computer, delete everything that you will not use.

2. delete unwanted files :
I. Music you do not want
II.Pictures you do not want
III. Go into program files on your C: drive and delete folders for programs you do not use. ‘example’ if you have uninstalled Yahoo messenger, delete the yahoo messenger folder in program files.

3. download and run it, this is an excellent tool and will remove megabits, (and for me first time, 6 gigabytes) of pure junk and excess folders and files that are useless.

‘CCleaner is a freeware PC optimization tool.
It combines a system cleaner that removes unused and temporary files from your system and also a fully featured registry cleaner!
CCleaner allows Windows to run faster, more efficiently and gives you more hard disk space.
The best part is that it’s Small, Fast and Free!’ taken from

4. Remove spyware and Adware from your computer system techspot are professionals on this, read their post and you will be amazed.

5. Download a ram optimizer from, these are very good to maximize and free up your memory

6. De fragment your drive, Go to all programs – accessories – system tools – defragmentation and choose your main drive. Though doing this step last IS usually the best thing to do

7. Overclock your graphics card (professionals and advanced users only) _card2.htm has a brilliant guide to doing this

8. Update graphics, Bios, Network drivers. From various sites, just Google your brand.

9. Clean you computer. Turn the power off, open your computer up and get the dust out, a compressed air can is very good for this. Ensure that you are not touching anything still on, hot, or that will break. This may also void your warranty so do make sure that doesn’t happen if you are going to attempt this step. It can help in overall performance though, because dust can clog the fan system of your computer

10. Run programs in lower resolution and lower graphics, do this to your taste, most games have a video effects options where you can do this. I personally recommend doing customized and lower texture and added particle and anti-aliasing extras. And keeping the character designs at high.

11. Use Mozilla Firefox instead of Internet explorer. There are a lot of articles on why this is a good idea, and lots of reasons. It can be downloaded at

12. check for errors

Detect and Repair Disk Errors
1.Click Start, and then click My Computer.
2. In the My Computer window, right-click the hard disk you want to search for bad sectors, and then click Properties.
3. In the Properties dialog box, click the Tools tab.
4.Click the Check Now button.
5. In the Check Disk dialog box, select the Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors check box, and then click Start.

and run CCleaners registry checker.

13. Clean up your desktop, put files in 1 large folder rather than many small ones, this boost up start up time by a lot.

14. further speed up your boot-up by making sure you only start running programs you want. download the program located here
1. Install the software you have just downloaded.
2. Open control panel, select Start up.
3. Disable any programs you do not want load automatically.

15. Another way of boosting you boot up speed is to
go to start then run
Type in msconfig and then hit run
Click on the BOOT.INI tab at the top.
Over to the right there will be a box labeled Timeout with 30 in it. Change the 30 to a 3.

17. You can also change the XP theme to the basic (boring but fast) version.

Go to Start, (Settings), Control Panel, System. NOTE: You may need to ‘Switch to Classic Mode’ to see the System applet.
Go to the Advanced tab. Click the Settings button under Performance.
Select the ‘Adjust for best performance’ radio button, then Apply, and OK.
The graphics aren’t as flashy, but your computer will run a lot faster.

Also, there is a file in the EZBook software that we can delete that should help also:

1) Open My Computer (XP) or Computer (Vista or Windows 7)
2) Open the C: drive
3) Go into Program Files
4) Go to EZBook 10
5) Go to lib
6) Go to static
7) Delete the folder called native
8) Restart EZBook

If you do all of these then your computer will be lightning-fast and you will be happy!

Copyright and Your Yearbook

What the Law Means to Your Yearbook

As anyone who has ever struggled to drive within the speed limit can tell you, the law can be both a friend and a foe. It sets parameters for acceptable behavior that can help make the world run more fairly, smoothly and safely. But it can also limit our freedom, forcing us to follow someone else’s rules or pay a price for ignoring them.

Copyright law is a good example of this dual nature of the law. While the federal copyright statutes protect journalists against the unauthorized use of their stories, artwork or photographs, it also limits their ability to use the works of others without permission. Copyright is also one of the most important areas of press law for yearbook journalists and their advisers to understand. My discussions with hundreds of high school yearbook staffseach year suggests that some students still have a lot to learn.

What Is Copyright?

A copyright is a property right; it is not that different from owning a car or a stereo. Just as you could be suedfor using someone else’s car without the owner’s permission, you can be sued for using someone’s copyrighted workwithout first obtaining the owner’s consent.

Copyright law intends to encourage and reward the creativity of authors and artists. If, for example, someone couldtake a popular novel, reprint it and sell the copies without the author’s permission (or any payment to the author),that author would have much less incentive to invest the time, energy and resources necessary to write the book in the first place. Copyright law helps to ensure a growing collection of original works available for public enjoyment and benefit.

Relationship to Trademark Law

Copyright is just one means of providing legal protection for creative works. Trademark law protects the symbols and slogans that identify businesses to their consumers. Together with patent law, these two comprise the area ofthe law known as "intellectual property."

Trademark law presents relatively few concerns for yearbooks. While copyright protects a creator’s rights, trademark law is more a protection for consumers. Trademarks — for example, the Nike "swoosh" symbol, the brand name "Coke," or the yellow Kodak film box- are unique symbols, names or other "marks" that companies use and consumers rely on to distinguish one product or service from another. Trademark law is generally only a problem when a trademark or service mark is used in a way that would confuse a potential consumer. That is why, for example,there would be no problem with a student yearbook publishing a photograph of a pair of Nike shoes (complete with the "swoosh") to illustrate a feature story on popular footwear worn by students. There is, obviously, no likelihood that a consumer would pick up the yearbook thinking it was a Nike shoe — or, if publishedin relationship to a news story, even an official Nike publication.

Note, however, that some works are protected by both trademark and copyright law at the same time, and you will need to analyze your intended use under each. If your yearbook editors wanted to use a flashy Nike ad simply to "decorate" an inside page (and not as part of some specific yearbook coverage), the outcome would be different. Again, there would be no trademark problem. A student yearbook and athletic shoes are so different that no consumer would be confused by the use. However, the ad is also protected by copyright and its unauthorized use will be prohibited unless the editor could demonstrate a "fair use."

Facts and Ideas Not Subject to Copyright Protection

Copyright law also recognizes a distinction between "expression" and "ideas." Only creative expression, not ideas and facts, qualifies for copyright protection. So while Time magazine would have a copyright interest in the exact words and organization of an article it published on teen drug use, the facts included there belong to no one and can therefore be used as a source for other reporters. Good ethics would suggest one should attribute such information to its source, but copyright law does not require it.

What Formalities Does Copyright Require?

Under copyright law today, any original work is protected the moment it is put in some tangible form such as words or design on paper or computer disk, or image on film or video.However, there are three additional methods for obtaining stronger copyright protection: notice, registration and deposit.

A formal copyright notice includes the copyright symbol "©" or the word "copyright," the creation date and the name of the copyright holder. One needs no special permission to include a copyright notice on their work. In fact, placing such notice on your yearbook is a smart idea to protect your publication from unauthorized use and to let others know who the copyright owner is. One copyright notice in a prominent place such as the title page or colophon will protect everything in the book except for the advertisments.

The second method of additional protection is registration of creative works with the Copyright Office in Washington, D.C. Registration is the key to the courthouse door. Only a copyright owner who has registered his work with the Copyright Office may sue someone who infringes on his copyright. Additionally, although you have the right to register your work at any time while your copyright is in effect, certain damages and reimbursement for your attorney fees should you have to sue are only available to those who formally register their work within three months of publication.

The registration process is not complicated. It requires completing a form for the Copyright Office, mailing them two copies of your work and paying a small fee (for most yearbooks, it would be $20). Most student publications do not find registration worth the effort and expense, but if you are publishing some photos or other material that you think might be valuable someday, it might be worth considering.

The final copyright formality is deposit. Creators must deposit two copies of their work with the Copyright Office within three months of publication. These deposits help form the collection of the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. While copyright law mandates deposit, failure to send in the required copies of your work will not in any way affect the validity of your copyright. If you plan to register your copyright later, you can request a receipt for your deposit so you do not have to include more copies of your work with your registration application. Questions about any aspect of copyright registration or deposit can be directed to an information specialist at the U.S. Copyright Office at (202) 707-5959.

How Long Does Copyright Protection Last?

Calculating the length of copyright protection can be a complicated task. It can also be important because once copyright expires, the work becomes part of the public domain and can be used without permission from the former copyright owner. For example, film producers in Hollywood were able to create a movie of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s book, The Scarlet Letter, in 1995 with no fear of copyright infringement because the novel (written in 1850) is in the public domain. For works created after Jan. 1, 1989, copyright generally will last for the life of the creator, plus 50 years. The copyright for works created by a company lasts for either 75 years from publication or 100 years from creation, whichever comes sooner. Copyright always expires on Dec. 31 of the appropriate year.

What Remedies Are Available to Copyright Owners?

Copyright owners who have complied with the requisite formalities may sue for copyright infringement if someone has exercised one of the copyright owner’s exclusive rights without permission or in a manner that would not be considered a fair use. If the copyright owner prevails in the lawsuit, the court can award damages, as well as injunctive relief and impoundment of the infringing material.

Obtaining Permission to use a Copyrighted Work

The surest way to use a copyrighted work legitimately is to get permission from the copyright holder. Contrary to a widespread misconception, giving the copyright owner credit is not enough to avoid an infringement claim. The law says permission is required. Sometimes obtaining that permission is not difficult. For example, a local commercial newspaper would probably agree to allow your yearbook to reprint a photo of a local news event, as long as the students gave credit to their source. On the other hand, getting permission can sometimes pose a challenge. Many corporations have strict policies regulating the use of their copyrighted work, from barring permission altogether to detailed, time-consuming procedures by which permission must be secured to charging expensive licensing fees.

If you think it will be necessary to obtain copyright permission, start early. While the time required varies, you should allow yourself months, rather than days or even weeks, to secure copyright permission.

Fair Use

"Fair use" is an important exception to the general rule that copyrighted material cannot be used without permission. It is particularly significant to the news media, which is in the business of conveying information, some of it based on copyrighted work. Federal copyright law says that an individual other than the copyright owner can use a copyrighted work without permission if the use would be considered a "fair use." The fair use doctrine is, in effect, a compromise. It represents a balance by lawmakers of the desire to encourage the creation of original works against society’s need for readily accessible information. Recognizing the inherent conflict in these two goals, fair use strives to find a reasonable middle ground.

Whether or not the use of a copyrighted work by a non-owner would be considered a "fair use" is seldom an easy call. There is no black and white rule; each case must be examined on its own merits. Courts look at four factors to determine if the use of a copyrighted work is a fair use:

  • The purpose and character of the use. Non-commercial uses for purposes like news reporting, teaching, criticism, or commentary are more likely to be allowed.
  • The nature of the copyrighted work. Uses of works containing mostly factual material like maps or biographies are more likely to be fair than uses of highly creative and original works like novels and cartoons.
  • How much of the original work is used. No more of the work than what is necessary may be used for it to be considered a fair use. The test is both quantitative (using 20 words from a 200,000-word book will probably be a fair use; using 20 words of a 50-word poem would probably not be and qualitative (using the "core" or "heart" of a work — no matter how small — is less likely to be a fair use).
  • The effect of the use on the commercial value of the copyrighted work. This is typically the most important factor. If consumers are willing to buy the use of the copyrighted work as a substitute for the original, it probably will not qualify as a fair use.

Fair use, therefore, authorizes the use of limited amounts of copyrighted works for purposes like news reporting and education so long as the use does not destroy the commercial value of the copyrighted work. Thus, a yearbook could probably reproduce the cover art from a CD to illustrate a feature about popular music from the year withoutobtaining the artist’s (or a record company’s) permission. But printing all the lyrics from the senior class songon the inside cover of the yearbook will probably not be a fair use.


Copyright law gives parodies and spoofs a fair share of breathing room. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled recently that the use of copyrighted material in parodies or spoofs can constitute a fair use if the use satisfies certain conditions. First, the parody must be obvious. The audience must reasonably perceive that the use is a criticism of or commentary on the original. A disclaimer or notice that clearly alerts readers of the parody may prove useful. Second, the use must reproduce no more of the work than the minimum necessary to conjure up the original in the audience’s mind. A slight change in the appearance of a cartoon character will be insufficient to satisfy fair use as a parody of the character. For example, your staff artist’s detailed rendition of the characters Beavis and Butthead commenting about rock videos would probably not qualify as a parody fair use; a drawing of two teenage boys who vaguely resemble Beavis and Butthead giggling about school events probably would. Finally, the use must not destroy the market of the original work. If the public might buy the use instead of buying the original or a parody of the original created by the copyright owner, then the use is not fair.

The basics of copyright law are not difficult to understand, particularly when you consider the reasoning behind the law. But if you need additional help, contact a local lawyer with some expertise in copyright law, your yearbook company or the The Student Press Law Center. Student publications are rarely threatened with copyright infringement lawsuits, but when they are, the consequences can be devastating.

Tips for Selling Yearbook Ads

Start out with Renewal Advertisers. Look at previous yearbooks to determine businesses that advertised in prior years. Send them a letter thanking them for last year’s ad and encourage them to expand to an even bigger and better ad this year.

Next, start out with a letter to as many businesses in the school district. Using the internet will help you get a through listing of all the business in your area. Split the list up with the other yearbook members. Follow those up with a phone call. Talk to the owner and ask if they received the letter. Then set up an appointment to meet with them. Don’t try to sell them an ad over the phone. I know it is easier to talk to strangers over the phone, but likewise it is easier for them to tell you they are not interested over the phone. Get an appointment to meet with them. Assure them it will just take a few minutes of their time.

On appointment day be on time, dress sharp, be prepared and be friendly. For the most part sales are about the customer liking the seller and less about the product they are selling. Your best pitch is the business displaying their community support through the yearbook. Tell them they will be a good corporate neighbor to their fellow businessmen. Don’t take no for an answer. Follow these guidelines and you should do ok.

Another suggestion is to sell parent or friend ads. Send out ad samples to the the parents of the “graduating” class.

These ads are a great way for a parent, friend, teacher or relative to congratulate a student on an accomplishment — graduation, honor roll, athletic achievement, etc. Recognition ads are also a popular way for students to congratulate their friends. Be specific about the type and size of ad that may be bought, the number of words permitted, the cost, a deadline date and payment information. Also, provide recognition and order forms to all of the students in your school.