Choosing a Yearbook Theme for Your School Yearbook

Once you have taken the pictures to fill up your yearbook, and you have the latest software to develop your yearbook, it is time to start thinking of yearbook themes.  Your yearbook theme is important when creating your yearbook.  It organizes your yearbook to help create a smooth flow from section to section.

When you are having trouble finding inspiration for your theme, go to some artwork for help. Artwork is a great place to start when trying to figure out a theme. Once you have picked your theme, say for example “thinking outside of the box” you can start to figure out what your cover and inside pages will look like. Remember, that you want to keep with your theme. While you may want to incorporate a lot of great ideas, that will only make your yearbook messy.  With the example theme you can incorporate some wacky designs on the inside pages and also possibly include some fun facts about your students.  Since the yearbook is for the student’s enjoyment, why not feature some outside of the box facts about the students! This will make your yearbook much more personal. For example, maybe a student in the freshman class works with on a camel farm. That is certainly something that is outside of the box.  You can be as creative as you would like to be with your theme.

Your theme will help put your yearbook together with style.  The options for yearbook themes are endless. If you want to break away from the theme you have chosen for your sports and club pages, that is okay too.  You can to add a sports specific background to spice up your sports team pages but just remember to keep the sections consistent. 

Contact YearbookLife and get more information on how to make your school yearbook best it can be. Don’t forget to check out the yearbook design software offered at

End of Season Reminders for School Yearbooks

Are you almost done designing and creating your yearbook? Here are just a few reminders for when you are getting close to finishing your yearbook and are getting ready to plan for submission.

March 15 Early Bird Deadline & Discount (100 Book Minimum)

March 15 is just two weeks away.  Submit your yearbook to us by that date and place an order for at least 100 yearbooks and you will receive a 4% discount PLUS a free autograph supplement!

When you submit your yearbook, you will complete the Production Form (for online users, this form is completed online during the export process).  On this form in the section titled “Optional Items”, please select the “4 page Stock Autograph Insert” of your choice.  Although the form indicates there is an extra charge for this insert, those charges are waived if you submit your yearbook by March 15.  Samples of the two types of stock autograph pages can be found on page 36 of the “Artwork & Font Guide” found in your yearbook kit.

If you need to continue to work on your yearbook after March 15, then your yearbook and production form are due to us 8 weeks before you want your yearbooks delivered if you want a hard copy proof. If you do not want a hard copy proof, then your yearbook and Production Form are due to us 6 weeks before you want delivery of your yearbook.

If you are you stuck and are in need of some creative inspiration for your yearbook? Try visiting the EZBook Idea Garden at

Are you thinking about a Year in Review Supplement for your Yearbooks and want to know more about it?

Year in Review Supplements are inserted into your yearbooks and show highlights from entertainment, sports, politics and news throughout the past year.  These full color glossy yearbook pages are offered as a four-page insert for $.80 cents per book, or as an eight-page insert for $1.60 per book.

To include these pages in your yearbooks, please make your selection on the Production Form under the “Current Events Option” section.  Samples of these pages can be found on page 37 of your “Yearbook Artwork & Font Guide”.

Want to Personalize the Covers of your Student Books?

Personalization enables you to print the name of a student directly on to the cover of his/her yearbook. You can even place a child’s photo on the cover or select up to three different art work icons to reflect their special interests and activities.

Please refer to the “Personalizing Your Yearbook” pamphlet contained in your yearbook kit.  There are four types of Personalization Options to choose from, depending on what type of yearbook cover you have selected for your yearbooks.  Please contact us for pricing information.

Exporting Your Book with the EZBook Yearbook Software

Once your yearbook is complete, you’re ready to Export Your Book. Please refer to page 27 of your EZBook Instruction Manual for instructions on “Proofing and Exporting Your Book.”

A video tutorial of how to Export Your Online Book can be found through the following link:; a video tutorial of how to Export your Desktop Book can found through this link:

You can print a hard copy draft of your yearbook to review for accuracy.  Remember that this draft is a low resolution version of your yearbook.  Within two weeks after you submit your book, you will receive a high resolution proof copy of your yearbook to review.  There are fees associated with any changes made to your yearbook after the proof copy has been issued, therefore, please review your yearbook in the draft (pdf) stage as best you can.

Post-Production Yearbook Supplements

So you submitted your book but there are still a few weeks of school and activities left!  How do you include those memories in your yearbook?  Why not include a Post-Production Supplement?

Generally 4-8 pages, you create these post-production supplements in EZBook after your yearbook has already gone off to print.  They are delivered to you with pre-applied ready-to-use tape strips so that they may be manually inserted into the back of your book by any adult or student.

With only a three-week turnaround time, you can create these supplements and have them delivered to coordinate with your yearbook distribution date.  Please contact us for pricing information.

Up & Coming for the 2011-2012 School Year

PICTAVO!  A new online yearbook design software created by the makers of EZBook. Click here for more information about the Pictavo Yearbook Software.


Ideas to Help Sell your Yearbook

Selling a yearbook does not sound like such a hard thing to do. You figure, every student wants one so they can look back at all of their friends and all the fun times they had. Sometimes, it can be a little bit more difficult than you would think. If you are running into problems with selling your school yearbook, remember that you must make everyone, especially the parents aware of it. Throughout the year parents will be visiting your school for various functions such as: Fall Festival, Field day, Spaghetti Dinner, Ice Cream Socials, Family Nights, Bingo, Silent Auctions, Magic Shows, Open House,  Holiday Shop Volunteering, ect.  These are some of the events you want to advertise your school yearbook at. This is a time when you have the parent’s undivided attention and there is no better time to have a table at all of these events selling and promoting your school yearbooks, personal ads, well wishers and business ads.  When they get a chance to see the school yearbook and how wonderful it is, they won’t want to say no!

Another great place to promote your yearbook is in the morning and afternoon car line.  This is a great opportunity to hang posters throughout the car line and pass out your yearbook flyers to all of these parents. The more often your yearbook sales message reaches the parents the more successful your yearbook sales will be.

Last, but not least is the school call out system. Many of you are fortunate enough to work or volunteer in schools with a school call out system. This system has the ability via computer to call every single parent in the school at the same time with any message the school needs to transmit. Have you ever thought about talking to the administrators about allowing you to use this system to promote your yearbook sales? Many schools are using it with great success. 

Start promoting your school yearbook at any of these locations and you will have a great success!

Church Directories

Are you looking to publish another kind of book besides a yearbook? YearbookLife does it all. YearbookLife is not just a yearbook provider. We also offer Church directories as well as military deployment books and more. Church directories are a great way to introduce everyone in your congregation to each other. New members and old members can become familiar with each other.  They offer a way to keep everyone connected, as you can include phone numbers and other information if wanted. They are a great way to also document church fundraisers and activities! Just like a yearbook captures the special moments of students, a church directory will make sure to capture member’s memories and make them permanent. 

A church directory will also offer a great way for families to bond. To do so, families will be offered a portrait package which is made affordable. The photography and publishing are of the finest quality to asure everyone’s happiness. Who doesn’t love a private photo shoot? Everyone in your family will have a great time.

Not only will families become closer through portrait packages and members closer through learning more about their fellow members, but also through choosing the layout of their church directory. YearbookLife makes sure that you can chose from many great covers and layouts. Church directories work for any size church.  So this year, why not put together your own directory to bring your congregation closer together with the help of YearbookLife.

Yearbook Deadlines and more!

It is about that time of year to start thinking about yearbook deadlines. Deadlines are fast approaching and they seem to sneak up on you.  Hopefully, with the help of YearbookLife you should be right on track. The standard time it takes to get your yearbook back to your school without a proof is six weeks. With a proof it takes eight weeks. Then you must take into consideration distributing your school yearbook to the students. You will probably want to set aside at least two weeks for yearbook sales. YearbookLife is offering an early bird special. Yearbooks submitted on or before 3/15/2011 will qualify for a 4% discount plus Autograph Supplement. There must be 100 or more orders for the special.

Ever feel like you wish you could have had the entire year covered in your yearbook, and not just the first few months? YearbookLife has a solution for you. Supplement pages allow students to fill in any information or events that the yearbook staff couldn’t cover later in the year.  Color Supplements are usually 4-16 page books without a cover. They are usually taped in the back of the original yearbook. We add the tape strip; the advisor or students insert it into their book. If timed right a person can get the supplement back at the same time as the book or close to the same time, otherwise they are a summer or fall delivery. 

Another thing to keep in mind is the addition of autograph pages.  These pages allow for students to have as much room as they will need to leave their notes for their friends.  Autograph pages also have sections for best movies, words of wisdom, predictions of my future, etc. They come in color with fun designs in the background, which will add a fun flare to your school yearbook.

Take advantage of our school yearbook services and contact YearbookLife today!