When you are looking for a quality yearbook publisher do you ever find yourself struggling to find out who offers the best and easiest to use software? No one enjoys a yearbook publisher that is confusing to work with or not very helpful. Thankfully, YearbookLife is here to put an end to that awful scenario! At YearbookLife, we are happy to provide great, free and easy-to-use yearbook design software!

So, what is so great about our free yearbook software? That’s an easy question! At YearbookLife we use some of the best yearbook design software available including Pictavo. One of the best features that Pictavo offers is the collaboration feature. It is unparallel to anything else available! With great tools like user/group permissions which allows the adviser to create individual users or groups and assign specific access privileges or manage messages which allow the adviser to keep their staff on track by monitoring chats and sticky notes. One of the best tools is a team tool which allows the adviser to view and track all of the work being completed by all team members. Access can be given to multiple users so they can work with real time changes at any time, along with their teammates. Through these great collaboration tools commutation, is made simple.

Don’t wait any longer to get the best yearbook publisher and yearbook software available. With YearbookLife’s free Pictavo software, your school’s yearbook will be unlike anything anyone has experienced or seen before. Finally, you will have affordable and outstanding yearbooks to offer!