Broward County School Memorybook and Yearbook Requirements for RFP


We have had multiple requests to share the requirements for the 2012-2013 Broward County Schools Memorybook and Yearbook Request for Proposal Requirements. Beginning today we will provide a series of of these requirements over the next week or so. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Section One

2.1        The School Board of Broward County, Florida (hereinafter referred to as “SBBC”) desires to receive Proposals for MEMORYBOOKS FOR ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOLS. The intention of this RFP is to provide high schools and middle schools with a pool of qualified companies from which to choose their Memorybooks provider.
SBBC reserves the right to increase the pool of qualified companies each subsequent year (anniversary date) of the term of the contract, if deemed necessary by SBBC. The Proposals will be evaluated by the Evaluation Committee to determine their eligibility under the terms and conditions of this RFP. Regardless as to the year a company is
added to the pool of qualified companies, all awards will be terminated June 30, 2016 or, if renewed, at the end of the contract renewal period.

2.2        Questions And Interpretations: Any questions concerning any portion of this RFP must be submitted, in writing, to Carol Barker, Purchasing Agent, Supply Management and Logistics Department, 754·321·0506 at the address listed in Section 6.1 or via facsimile 754-321-0533 or via e-mail Any questions which require a response which amends the RFP document in any manner will be answered via Addendum by the Supply Management and Logistics Department and provided to all Proposers. No information given in any other matter will be binding on the School Board.

Any questions concerning any condition or requirement of this RFP must be received in the Supply Management and Logistics Department, in writing, on or before February 10, 2011. Questions received after this date will not be answered. Submit all questions to the attention of the individual stated above. If necessary, an Addendum will be issued. Any verbal or written information, which is obtained other than by information in this RFP document or by Addenda, shall not be binding on SBBC.

2.3        Contract Term: The purpose of this RFP is to establish a contract beginning June 30, 2011 and continuing through June 29,2016. The term of the contract may, by mutual agreement between SBBC and the Awardee, upon final School Board approval, be extended for an additional five-year period and, if needed, 180 days beyond
the expiration date of the renewal period. The Supply Management and Logistics Department, will, if considering renewing, request a letter of intent to renew from each Awardee, prior to the end of the current contract period. The Awardee will be notified when the recommendation has been acted upon by SBBC. The Proposer agrees to this
condition by signing its Proposal.

2.4        PRICE ADJUSTMENTS: Prices offered shall remain firm through the first three years of the contract. A request for price adjustment may be submitted 30 days prior to the third anniversary date of the contract. If a price increase is approved after the third anniversary date, then that price must remain firm for the two remaining years of the contract. Price adjustment requests will be evaluated on an annual basis thereafter. Requests for price adjustments shall not exceed the percentage of change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the previous twelve months of the anniversary date, but shall not exceed 3% per adjustment. The CPI will not be seasonally adjusted. SBBC reserves the right to request a reduction in contract prices equal to the percentage of change of the CPI in the event of a reduction. SBBC reserves the right to not renew any contract regardless of price considerations. Information on the CPI may be obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics at http://www.bls.govor by contacting the Bureau directly.


2012-2013 YearbookLife Offers

For more than a dozen years YearbookLife has provided an easier yearbook design process, excellent yearbook quality and the best prices available to hundreds of elementary, middle, and high schools throughout the country.  In 2012-2013 we are confident we can save you money and make the yearbook process easier than ever before.

Our Best Price On Your Yearbook Includes:


Only One Deadline for the Entire Book

Change the Number of Books or Pages Up Until Submission Without Penalty

FREE Desktop or Online Software

FREE Full Color Stock or Custom Covers

FREE Take Home Collection Envelopes for Every Student

FREE Full Color PDF Proof Copy of the Entire Book

FREE Marketing Posters Announcing Your Yearbook Sale

Every yearbook is entered in our yearbook contest for great prizes.

No Late Fees Ever

No Finance Charges Ever

No Money Required to Get Started


The Team at YearbookLife prides itself on its dedication to our customers, guaranteeing you:

Telephone Customer Support Seven Days a Week Until 10:00pm ET

Onsite and Unlimited Over-the–Web Support

Online Tutorials Accessible to All Members of Your Yearbook Team

March Early Bird Deadline Discounts Available (minimum 100 books)

Late Deadline So You Get More Events in Your Yearbook

Online Student Dedication Ad Design

Online Yearbook Payments

We are a full service yearbook company!

Let us schedule a webinar with you and your team so we can review our software and show you how to make your yearbook experience easier and less expensive than ever before. Please contact me on my direct line to schedule a time that is best for you.

Contact us today for a No Obligation demo account to test drive our Pictavo software. Simply email with the school name and the word DEMO in the subject line.

Pictavo’s Sophisticated Page Layout Tools

 Advanced Page Layout

  • Column Guides give you the space you need between images and text so your yearbook maintains a crisp, clean and consistent appearance
    from beginning to end
  •  Work in inches or picas-whichever you prefer!
  • Powerful dual-cropper can zoom, crop and resize photo boxes … all with just a few clicks of the mouse
  • Rotate photos, clip art and design elements in l-degree increments
  • Optional grid view and rulers view enable perfect accuracy
  • Use Snap to Guides for precise placement of page elements
  • Zoom in to selected objects
  • Easily click through multiple layers
  • Add lines for visual impact

Timesaving Templates

  • Choose from hundreds of professionally designed templates inspired by today’s hottest trends in graphic arts.
  • Use as-is or as a starting point
  • Available for single pages or spreads
  • Placeholder text helps you envision final page layout
  • Create and save your own templates

Automatic Portraits Flows

• All the tools you need with the flexibility you want


  • Create your index in record time!
  • Pictavo scans your book to find names and pre-populates your index!
  • Review, revise and add before flowing index onto your pages
  • Define the appearance of your index, such as number of columns, typeface style and whether you’d like alphabetical dividers between
    each section.
  •  Reserve space within your index for candids or design elements that add visual interest.


Learn more about the Pictavo yearbook design software

New Pictavo Features for 2012-2013

YearbookLife is excited to announce that, beginning August 1, 2012, our Pictavo programwill include an Online Yearbook Sales and Ad Design feature!This means that all of your students, parents, and staff can have access to Pictavo’s Community Online portal where school yearbooks can be purchased and yearbook ads can be designed.  Ads are then imported directly into the Pictavo program by you, the yearbook administrator.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.Pictavo’s Community Online Portal will also contain a Community Image Upload feature where students, parents, and staff can upload images for consideration in the yearbook.  This feature will also be available August 1, 2012.  More information to follow in the coming weeks!My Yearbook Sales (MYS) will not be available for the 2012-2013 school.  These new Pictavo features will replace that system.  If you didn’t get to work with Pictavo this year, and would like a tutorial to test drive over the summer, please let us know.

We know you and your school community will value these new Pictavo features!  Please contact us if you have any questions.

Digital Data & Image Format Guidelines For School Photography and Yearbook Publication

Revised: March 3, 2011

The school picture industry offers a variety of products and services to students and schools. These are often used in conjunction with yearbooks and other products. A system that facilitates the easy combination of the products and services of different suppliers has a number of benefits.

Currently, individual students and schools employ photographers to take photos. Each of these image takers involves a photo lab or digital imaging firm to convert the exposed image into another format, such as prints, CD/DVDs, cards, etc. In the case of yearbooks, the publisher takes the images and converts them to a printed page, employing yet another method for image creation.

When the students and schools use more than one photographer, and the photographers and the different labs generate CD/DVDs in their own formats, it is more difficult, time consuming and costly to coordinate the data, images and publishing of yearbooks. The problem is similar to the situation that would exist if audio compact disks could not be played on every CD/DVD player. By using a standard format, a greater number of vendor choices would exist for the school and increase the level of satisfaction.

At the same time, technology is changing. Any guideline promoting a coordinated system needs flexibility for the future. The ultimate goal is to satisfy the customer – the school. It is believed that satisfaction can be increased by creating common readable files for the transmission of digital images and associated data from the school photographer to the yearbook publisher in a format that is as efficient and consistent as possible.

Audience & Scope

The following document is intended to inform the Underclass (K-11) School Photographer, Contract Senior Photographer, Photography Production Laboratory, interested Software Developers, and Yearbook Companies as to the generally accepted data and subject image guidelines for the exchange of data and subject images between photography organizations and yearbook producers. This document is NOT directly intended for the common school customer.

The scope of this document includes, and is limited to the PSPA sponsored ad-hoc committee developed technical guidelines for data and image exchange between the interested parties listed above. This document is technical in nature and does NOT intend to outline or require market implementation by any particular organization. This document is NOT intended to provide direct explanatory material to the target consumer of the final product resulting from adoption of these guidelines (the school).


Benefits from such a system could include the following:

· By specifying a guideline to which the product should conform, the school has the means to measure the value of what they are acquiring, and can make comparisons between suppliers. This can lead to opportunities that are more competitive for schools, permitting them to pick, choose, mix, and match among the numerous suppliers. While the format for the product is not the only element for price comparison, use of a common format makes the comparison simpler.

· Creating an easier interchangeability of images and data files between image providers and users. This can reduce the time it takes to create products, and could lead to reduced costs and improved quality and the number of product choices.

· Communication between schools, image providers and yearbook producers can be clarified and improved by reference to a common guideline.

· An assurance of a minimum level of quality and performance for the CD/DVD products.

· An easing of the decision making process for schools by the use of common terminology
and comparable products.

· Removal of the school from the middleman position between photographers, photo labs
and yearbook companies over the format of the CD/DVDs and the assurance of


There are no apparent drawbacks from such a system. For firms that do not currently produce CD/DVD images, there is no impact since there is no requirement to produce a CD/DVD. However, the system is simple enough to permit anyone to readily adopt it should they choose to do so.


A useful guideline will require communication and education programs directed to both the schools and the photo industry. It will be necessary to provide materials to explain the system and its benefits.

Limitations of the Guidelines

These guidelines address the format for the CD/DVD. The guidelines do not address many areas for technical or legal reasons. Among them are the photo capture and editing process, the photo print output, and the yearbook printing quality and features. These areas are the subject of creative and artistic differences, as well as customer choice. In addition, these guidelines do not suggest or require which of the interested persons or organizations has
responsibility for collecting, recording or distributing the data. That is a matter for those interested to arrange among themselves.