Ways To Get More Student Photos For Your Yearbook

A yearbook is truly a memorable item for any graduate, containing photos of classmates, teachers, school events and more. It creates memories and tells the story of the graduating class. That is why the more photos you have access to, the more likely you are to discover the perfect shots to include in your yearbook.

Group of happy students in a library

Sometimes though it can be difficult to obtain those great candid shots. That is because the yearbook staff can’t be everywhere at every minute of the day and night. To overcome this, there are few easy to obtain these great shots:

Have your students help you. With the rise of smartphones and social media, students are taking selfies and photos with their friends at all times. Browse various school hashtags and pages to see if there is good content that could be included in the yearbook. Then ask the students involved in the photo if you can get permission to include the photo in the yearbook. In most cases kids love to see themselves and will always give consent in providing their photo.

Create photo contests. Get students involved in their yearbook. Ask them to take photos and submit them to a contest page on your school’s Facebook page. By entering they are giving permission that they are allowing you to use them in the yearbook. Then pick out a few winners and give them a free yearbook for winning your photo contest.

Utilize student’s parents. Parents always have great photo content of their kids and their kid’s friends. Reach out to the parents via the school’s PTA and see what type of libraries they have of the kids.

Great photos don’t all have to come of students on school grounds. Student yearbook photos should be about the entire year’s experiences both in class and outside. If there is a great shot at the local pizzeria of some students, use them. It will create lasting memories that students with cherish forever.

School Yearbook Fundraising Ideas

Your class yearbook is one of the most important keepsakes after you graduate. That means making it look great is essential. That also means shelling out a credit card to help pay for it.

It doesn’t have to be that way though. Here are a few creative fundraising ideas to help make your book look truly amazing:

  • Sell extra photos. You will have hundreds of digital photos that don’t make it into the yearbook. Why not create some CDs of the extra photos and sell them to students and their parents.
  • Promote book sales to local doctors, dentists, realtors and graduates. Ask these locals to purchase books for students that could not otherwise afford too.
  • Host a car wash on your school grounds for the locals to take part in. All money earned can be used for school yearbooks.
  • Provide separate coupon books with ads that can be handed out when books are sold as a “point of purchase” reward for local businesses.
  • Sell copies of old yearbooks that are lying around to parents and extended family of alumni that may not have had an opportunity to purchase one when their family member was graduating.

While selling ads in the actual book is always an option that can help generate some money, fundraising is another great option to bring income for your class yearbook!

How To Best Use Clipart For Your Class Yearbook

Clipart is a great alternative tool for a class yearbook as it can be used as “filler space” on page that needs content. It shouldn’t though be the main focus of the yearbook and too much of it can result in your end product looking amateurish.

Using Clipart For Your YearbookClipart has a lot of benefits including:

  • Most photos are royalty free.
  • Most photos are free to use and if not they are usually much more affordable than regular stock photography.
  • Free clipart is included with Pictavo software

Clipart works best when it matches the existing content on the page. For example, if your images are black and white on the page, keep your clipart black and white as well. In contrast, if your images are in color, also use color clipart. By using the opposite color could make the clipart stand out more and the important content be less visual.

One thing you never want to do is replace a missing student image with clipart. It will make your yearbook look more like a comic book. Don’t leave that space blank. Instead discuss with the student and his or her parents to see if there is a good headshot they could use. If that isn’t possible, look through your library to see if there is a good candid that may work.

When you do decide to use clipart make sure the images you are using are legally allowed for commercial use. The best way to find this out is to read the “terms of use” of the site you’re take the images from as the last thing you need is a legal issue to cause your yearbooks to be delayed and cost money when not necessary.

All in all, clipart is a great element to include in your yearbook content. Don’t overdo it though.

Happy cliparting!

Planning Your Yearbook Sales Process

Yearbook Sales PlanningBeing the salesperson that is in charge of selling your school’s yearbook is a big responsibility, and often is a job that no one really fights for. Selling yearbooks doesn’t need to be this way. With a little bit of pre-planning, selling your yearbook can and should be a breeze. That is because your yearbook can sell itself! Here’s how:

● Instead of selling your yearbook, market it. By creating awareness that the book is coming out both traditionally and online can help get people excited and inspired to make sure they purchase one. You can do this a variety of different ways. For example, perhaps tease your audience by showing a little snippet of what the book will look like and how unique it’s going to be. Maybe do this via a YouTube video that can be emailed to all the students, faculty, staff and community.

● Show how great a value your book is. One way to do this is via a discount. By providing an early-bird discount and how much you can save by purchasing now will resonate with potential buyers. Give an example. For instance if you buy before the end of the month, you can save $25. That $25 can be used for a new pair of jeans or help pay for your cap and gown.

● Show the customization incentive. Provide your audience with examples of how the yearbook can be customized to include pages with your best friends. Students will be counting the days until they can grab the book and go right to the page that they helped design.

The more personal you can make the yearbook, the more people will want to purchase it. Don’t be that used car sales guy. Explain the options and the benefits and you will be surprised how quickly the book will be flying off the shelves and into happy recipient hands!

How to Keep Your Yearbook Staff Organized

Putting together a school yearbook doesn’t just take one person; it takes a team! That is because there are a lot of moving parts involved. From the design to the photography, to the marketing and fundraising there are definitely a lot of hands on deck.

Businessman's hand drawing an red organization chart on a white board

We know an unorganized staff can lead to a slew of potential problems and headaches. So what should you do to keep your staff organized?

The first thing you need to do is assign roles. Just like in any group or company everyone has a specific task or responsibility. By having a description of each role can surely keep everyone in line on what is and isn’t expected of him or her. Editors should be assigned one role; photographers and writers should be assigned their roles and so on.

It is very important though that each one of these roles be put in writing and even signed by the person who is responsible for them. This way there is no finger pointing and everyone is held accountable.

If you are the yearbook advisor or the overall head of the entire project, it is important to keep your staff happy and motivated. This will help in the outcome of the overall school yearbook. A simple thank you or job well done can go along way with a staff member and will show them you care in their work. In addition, you will want to create an atmosphere that is fun and welcoming. This will motivate the team to share ideas and resources. If you reached a particular goal try to create some sort of celebration so everyone is recognized for his or her accomplishments.

Besides the motivational organization, a yearbook involves tactical organization. The Pictavo design software is a great tool that can be very useful throughout the entire yearbook process, keeping everyone organized and on the same page.

Learn more about the collaboration tools and features of Pictavo >>

An organized yearbook staff is sure to turn out a great finished yearbook. Simply put together, a great strategy ahead of time and your execution should become flawless.


Design Ideas for a Yearbook

A yearbook is something a student will hold on and keep forever. It is a keepsake that in thirty years will still be great to look at and enjoy with friends and family.

Design Creativity InspirationBesides the spelling and photos of the yearbook, the actual design of the book is crucial. That is because the yearbook not only needs to carry on the great memories of that graduating class but also generate excitement every single time it is looked at.

With that being said, here are a few design ideas on how to make your class’s yearbook great:

  • Current Events. One great design idea is to incorporate the yearbook into what’s going on with current events in the world. For example, The U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team just won the World Cup. If you are looking to showcase events that occurred during the class’s graduating year, that may be a great one to include.

  • Utilize Trends. In 2015, why not incorporate the biggest TV shows and movies. Was it Jurassic World and Minions that were the big movies everyone was talking about? Was everyone chatting about Orange Is The New Black and Game of Thrones in the school hallway? Why not try to match the colors and fonts similar to the look of these shows and movies.

    Are all the students currently hooked on Snapchat and Instagram? Why not have some of the photos include a special filter that will remind them of what things they are currently using, watching and participating in. These types of things will bring back a slew of memories and laughs in future years to come.

  • Look for Uniqueness. What makes this graduating class stand out? What makes them different from other school years? What characteristics best describe student life today? By holding a few focus groups with the graduating class will help answer these questions and create a vision and basis for the yearbook’s design.

Designing your class’s yearbook should be fun, meaningful and creative. The theme shouldn’t though be overstated and should simply be supported through the details within it including the text and photos.

If you still need assistance and are hitting a “road-block” you can always get fresh, creative ideas and resources through YearbookLife’s Pictavo software program. It provides a slew of templates that will most certainly get your creative juices flowing!

Happy designing!