Make a check list of all events in previous yearbooks. Are there any added events this year. Any removed?

Are there any special events this year? School anniversary? Time capsule opening? Significant retirements? Visits from dignitaries? Get them in the book.

Get a list from the office of every teacher and make a check list to ensure all teachers pages are complete.

Print each teacher’s class page and have them review each name and image. Is the name spelled correctly? Does the name match the face? Anyone there that shouldn’t be? Anyone missing? Be sure to have the teacher sign his/her page to verify it’s been reviewed. In the business we call it C.Y.A.

Create a checklist of every ad sold. Cross check to be sure all ads are in the book. Missing an ad that was paid for is gut wrenching to a parent of a “graduating” student.

Have more than one person check for spelling, punctuation and grammar. Actually have at least three. Include the English teacher or an administrator. Princiapls hate to see these types of errors in the yearbook. It reflects badly on them.

Try your best to get every student in the book somewhere. The more students in the book the more likely parents are to purchase the book.

Happy yearbooking!