1.  Keep in mind a virtual yearbook is saved on an outside vendors server. Only 10% of web businesses last more than one year. What happens when the server disappears along with the vendor? That’s right, your yearbook disappears. All that money and time down the drain. A printed yearbook will last 120 years and you don’t need to worry about anyone going out of business once you have a printed yearbook in your hand.

2.  Do you remember the fun of having all of your friends sign your yearbook with a message dedicated just for you? That is impossible with a  virtual yearbook.

3.   In some cases it may be beneficial to the school, students and staff to offer both choices. They may choose only a virtual yearbook, only a print yearbook or both. Since it doesn’t directly cost the PTA or school any money for either a virtual or a print yearbook give them a choice.  Keep in mind there are many parents who have purchased a printed yearbook since their child was in kindergarten and they have every expectation of building an entire collection. Don’t deprive them of that opportunity.

4. Your virtual yearbook vendor most likely is not an approved yearbook vendor in your county. Probably for all the reasons stated above.