1.  Since a yearbook and/or a DVD’s sole purpose is to let your students preserve memories for years to come, a DVD will be obsolete in only a few years. It’s virtually impossible to listen to an 8-Trak Tape, a vinyl record or Cassette Player today. The VHS recorder is basically gone forever. There are new emerging technologies today that will replace the DVD in the same way. Your students will find it almost impossible relive their most treasured memories in only a few years. What happens if it gets scratched and no longer works? A printed yearbook has a shelf life of 120 years.

2. There are 1,080 hours in the school year and that doesn’t include extracurricular activities. There are also 50 plus classes in most schools today, giving you a potential of over 50,000 hours of content. You can only get 45 minutes to an hour on a DVD. How many events and how many children do you think will not be included on a DVD? Every single student and staff member can be found in the pages of a print yearbook. Furthermore, when the vast majority of your parents don’t see their child on the DVD they won’t buy it again next year and many of them will want their money back this year.

3.  Do you remember the fun of having all of your friends sign your yearbook with a message dedicated just for you? That is impossible with a DVD.

4.    In some cases it may be beneficial to the school, students and staff to offer both choices. They may choose only a DVD, only a print yearbook or both. Since it doesn’t directly cost the PTA any money for either a DVD or a print yearbook give them a choice. Remember, by doing both it’s now a double fund-raiser! Keep in mind there are many parents who have purchased a yearbook since their child was in kindergarten and they have every expectation of building an entire collection. Don’t deprive them of that opportunity.