The full-color printed cover is the easiest and most popular cover and is available in both soft and hard covers. It is very popular because of the stunning number of colors and design techniques you can use to immediately capture the reader’s attention. You can choose one of our professionally designed stock covers or you can create your own custom cover design! A durable coating is applied to all full-color yearbook covers to ensure the colors remain vibrant and the books stand the test of time.


Leatherette covers are made of synthetic materials that are made to look like leather but are much more durable. Typically, leatherette yearbooks use foil stamping, embossing and/or debossing to accentuate the school name and cover design. Choose from this generous selection of leatherette colors to make a great first impression of your yearbook!


Embossing is a technique which creates a raised, or 3-dimensional, image on a piece of paper. It is typically accomplished with a combination of heat and pressure on the paper. Embossing can also be used with foil stamping or on a full-color cover to create an even more unique look. Debossing uses the same technique as embossing, except the impression is heat-pressed into the surface of the paper so that an image is depressed (lowered) instead of raised. As with embossing, debossing can be used with foil stamping or on a full-color cover to create special visual effects and textures.


Foil stamping involves the use of heat to transfer metallic foil to a solid surface such as a yearbook cover. As with embossing and debossing, a die is needed to “stamp” the foil into the cover material. Foil stamping can be combined with embossing or debossing to create a very striking 3 dimensional image. While gold and silver metallic foil never go out of style, the additional colors shown (at right) are gaining popularity as well—choose colors that give your book a one-of-a-kind look!

Get the look you want at a price you can afford.