We can’t say enough how important it is to proof your yearbook from beginning to end. After all the hours and dedication you have shown this project, the proof is in the PROOFING!

Whether it’s the heading that reads “First Day of School” or a name spelled incorrectly, the effect is the same. Sorrow and disappointment for everyone. Noticing a mistake in the yearbook is devastating. Nothing could take the wind out of your sails more.

So, How Do You Avoid Mistakes In The Yearbook?

Looking at the pages a million times, your eyes may not see something that someone else’s eyes would. Having someone else look over all your pages is a must.  It’s time to call in the volunteers! Some parents would love to help with something like this. What about the school secretary? She can help with the student names and classes and even staff pages. A lunch at local restaurant may be all it takes to get her help. Bottom line: GET MORE EYES ON THE PROOF.

Spell check will work when you’ve typed ‘yarebook’ instead of ‘yearbook’ but it’s useless on teacher’s names and instances of “their”, “they’re” and “there”. Reading the entire book, word for word, is a must!

Yes, we are trying to scare you! No offense but we want the hours you spent on the yearbook to be obvious to anyone that picks up a yearbook! Proofing is not fun but it will be a step that you’ll be glad you took.

Happy Proofing! (Jon, Jahnn and John will thank you)