Yearbook life is dedicated to providing for our soldiers. Whether they are in the Marine Corps, Navy, Army, or the Air Force, we are here to provide them with the best Military Deployment Book they can get. Some reasons to chose YearbookLife when creating your Deployment Book are:

  1. Military Tradition-  Military Deployment Books are a keepsake that the military has treasured for years. With YearbookLife, you too can take part in this important tradition.
  2. Budget- YearbookLife will work with your budget. If you are in the military, you work to keep us safe, the least we can do is work to make your deployment book work for your budget.
  3. Free Software- When you chose YearbookLife to create your Military Deployment Book you will work with EZBook software. This is a free and easy software that will help you put your Deployment book together.
  4. Experience- YearbookLife is a family run company with over 10 years of experience. Let our friendly and professional staff take care of you.
  5. Quick Shipping- When using EZBook software, shipping is quick. In as few as 24 days, your deployment book will be on its way to your company or brigade.
  6. Endless Options- With our help and EZBook software you have endless creative options! You can make the BEST deployment book the military has ever seen!
  7. Sharing Memories- A Military Deployment book is a great way to share your personal story with your family and friends. You can take them through your tour by sharing pictures of it with them.
  8. Overseas Shipping- Are you stationed overseas? Not a problem for YearbookLife!
  9. Personalization- Every Military Deployment book can be personalized. You can add your name and information to the cover if you so chose.
  10. Quality- Do not be fooled by other companies. YearbookLife offers the best quality Military Deployment books. We offer full color pages-that still fits your budget!

Contact us today to get your military deployment books from YearbookLife.