You might think that yearbook season is over and December is a horrid time to sell those school yearbooks you have left. By now you should have done enough yearbook sales in your school that every student who is going to buy one, has already bought one. However, if you are like most schools, this means you probably still have 20-30% of your students who still don’t have a school yearbook.

December is a great time to convince those students to purchase the yearbook, and keep wonderful memories of the year with them. This is also the time of the year when you have the opportunity to try to get your sales back up and raise some much needed funds.

One tool you can implement is to sell the yearbook as a holiday gift. For most people the yearbook is the only gift they have kept for years; the most long-lasting holiday gift that parents can give to their kids. If you think what is the gift that your parents gave you in high school do you still own? Your answer will probably be the same: “the yearbook”.

This is the right time to sell yearbooks to Mom and Dad who are always looking for the perfect gift for their kids.

Is the first week of December, so you have to act fast to achieve your goal of sales. Here are some steps you need to follow before Friday of this week to meet your numbers and give the opportunity to yearbookless students to get one valuable gift that they will keep for the rest of their life.

  • Make a list of every student who has not bought a yearbook as of today. Hopefully, this list already exists, and it is a short one.
  • Get phone numbers for the parents of these students.
  • Create (or find) a gift certificate for a yearbook.
  • Write a short script that you can give each staff member offering the parents the students are calling a yearbook to give to their child as a holiday gift.
  • Give each staff member 10 parent phone numbers to call. 
  • Send out gift certificates to those parents who placed an order and from whom you received payment.