Selling Advertising for Your Yearbook

Not surprisingly, the process of collecting orders and payments is all dependent on organization and detailed tracking. Utilizing Pictavo BuyTheYearbook simplifies the entire process by allowing parents, students, and staff to go online to order and purchase their yearbooks.

However, many schools still need or want to allow people to purchase yearbooks with cash or checks during school events such as Open House, holiday shows, Science Fairs, etc.. If that is the case, then you should take time to think through how you can organize a collection table for that event.

Be sure to have a poster or banner announcing “Yearbooks on Sale”. Create a sign-up list of people to collect orders and have order forms ready that collect the student’s name, grade, class or homeroom, as well as the yearbook quantity and total payment due. Please visit YearbookLife’s Marketing Tools page to request money collection envelopes, receipt pads, sales flyers, and other materials to greatly simplify this process.

Developing an advertising program for your yearbook can be easy if you have a plan that includes (1) identifying your potential audience for purchasing advertising space, (2) determining ad sizes, guidelines, and rates and (3) creating effective ad sales campaigns, including collection methods.

STEP 1: Identifying Your Potential Audience

Before getting started, identify your potential audience for purchasing advertisement space. You have several distinct buyers: local businesses, school vendors, families, students, club sponsors, teachers, and coaches to name a few. How you pursue each audience may be different.

STEP 2: Determining Ad Sizes, Guidelines and Rates

The first element to understand before making any decisions related to ad sizes, guidelines and rates is that you must sell your yearbook page for at least two to three times your cost for the page. While this may sound basic, many staffs fail to follow this advice.

STEP 3: Creating Effective Ad Sales Campaigns

As mentioned previously, you’ll want to organize and develop multiple ad sales events, track and report financial progress of ad sales and establish a method of providing advertisement receipts to customers who purchase ads.