Custom Cover Options for Your Yearbook

Custom Cover Ideas

When you are designing your own yearbook cover the possibilities are endless. Start by outlining a plan to determine which features and options you want to include. Some schools start by reviewing pricing for various options and creating a budget to work within. Others let the design be the driving force. Either way, there are many cover options that can make your yearbook unique. The options vary in price but many are very affordable. Talk to your yearbook representative or publisher for ideas that would work well with your design and budget.

Cover Design
The front cover usually includes the year and theme of the yearbook along with custom art/designs/mascots/photos relevant to the theme. The spine usually includes the year of publication, the school or publication name and the volume number. Back covers vary greatly.

Some have minimal design while others continue the design from the front cover. When designing yours, think about the available options that can enhance your design.

Helpful Hint

You may believe that your student body will not judge your yearbook by its cover, but that is not true. Your yearbook cover creates the first impression and sets the tone for the entire yearbook.

Cover Options

There are two basic yearbook cover “styles” —soft cover and hard cover. Both include a durable coating to ensure they stand the test of time and can be ordered in the standard 8.5” x 11” size, or popular 9” x 12” size. Hard cover books, however, offer the widest variety of options from which to choose.

Board weight

Binder’s board is the most common material used to make hard covers. The heavier the board weight, the stiffer the cover will be to open. Standard cover weight is 90 pt. Heavier weights of 120 pt. and 160 pt. are also available upon request.


Leatherette covers are made of synthetic materials that resemble leather, but are much more durable. Typically, leatherette yearbooks use foil stamping, embossing and/or debossing to accentuate the school name and cover design. Choose from this selection of
leatherette colors to make a great first impression of your yearbook! Additional colors available upon request.

Full-color printed covers are the most popular option— and often the most economical . When used for hard cover books, a full-color printed page is coated (for protection) and wrapped around the board.


Lenticular printing is used to produce printed images with an illusion of depth. It also gives the image the ability to change or move as it is viewed from different angles. You can create various frames of animation for a motion effect, show a set of alternate images or make an image appear 3D for a truly interactive experience!


Embossing is a technique that uses a die to create a raised image on the hard cover. This is done through a combination of heat and pressure on the binder’s board.
Embossing can also be used in combination with foil stamping or a full-color
printed cover to create an even more unique look. Debossing uses the same
technique as embossing, except the impression is heat-pressed into the
surface of the cover so that an image is depressed (lowered) instead of raised.
As with embossing, debossing can be used with foil stamping or a full-color printed cover to create special visual effects and textures.


Foil stamping involves the use of heat to transfer metallic foil to a solid surface, such
as a yearbook cover. As with embossing and debossing, a die is needed to “stamp” the
foil into the cover material. Foil stamping can be combined with embossing or debossing to create a very striking 3D image. Choose from the foil colors listed to give your book a one-ofa- kind look!


Spot UV is a great treatment to use if there are specific areas (or spots) on your yearbook cover that you would like to highlight. The application can deepen the color of an area for a very shiny finish, or flattened to a matte finish. It’s a great way to add eye-catching
emphasis to important areas.


A die is a specialized tool that can cuts shapes into a yearbook cover. Die-cutting allows you to cut out specific areas or shapes on your cover to allow text or part of an image to show through from the inside.

Stock Die-Cutting Options

The dies below are already created and available for embossing, debossing and/or foil on your yearbook cover. By choosing one or more dies, you can create a one-of-a-kind look without the expense that often accompanies it. For example, choose a stock die for embossing, then add a custom die of your school name and mascot to make your
book truly unique.


Endsheets are thick paper glued to both the inside front and back covers of a hard cover yearbook and include the flyleaf (first and last sheets in a book before and after your yearbook content). The weight of the paper is usually higher than what is used in the rest of the yearbook. Sometimes this thicker paper is left blank for autographs from the student body.

For additional fees, printing can be done on the endsheet and flyleaf sheets of your yearbook. Some schools design their endsheets to continue the theme or add a table of contents. Remember that you have two endsheets and two flyleafs that make up your yearbook—the front endsheet and front two-sided flyleaf and the back endsheet and back two-sided flyleaf. Some schools like to design the front endsheet and flyleaf, but may choose to leave the back sheets blank. Other schools have chosen to repeat the same design from the front onto the back.


Some schools include a colophon on the endsheet or in the advertisement section that describes the specifications of the yearbook for the reader. The colophon includes info such as cover specs, endsheet specs, pages, copies, sale price of yearbook, amount
of ad revenue, staff listing, yearbook publisher, photographers, technology, and more.

Pre-designed pages

Pre-designed pages for autographs can be added to your yearbook to save time and give your book a more personalized feel. These pages are pre-printed on uncoated paper to allow nearly any writing instrument to easily write on them, then bound in your yearbook along with the rest of the pages. Positioning of pre-designed autograph pages may be
dependent on the type of binding your yearbook will have. Saddle-stapled books
have these pages either in the very middle or the outermost sheets of the yearbook. Other
binding styles allow them to be added anywhere. When designing your yearbook to
include pre-designed autograph pages, consider what other insert or divider pages you
have to determine the best placement.

Year in Review—or “current event” pages are now available as backgrounds instead of pre-printed supplements added to the back of your yearbook. As with other  pre-designed backgrounds, you just drag and drop these pages onto any page in your book wherever you like; put them all together or use them as divider or intro pages between sections.

Planning Tip

When planning your cover or endsheet design, nothing is more helpful than samples of other books. Consider developing an exchange program with other schools in your area to trade samples of previous years for educational purposes. The more samples you have, the more resources you can review when making decisions about this year’s yearbook.

More Yearbook Design Ideas


Thousands of schools enjoy using Pictavo—intuitive software designed to help yearbook staffs communicate, collaborate, create and sell their yearbooks. Visit for more details about using the design software.

Pictavo offers hundreds of professionally designed templates that you can choose to use as-is or as a starting point when creating your yearbook. It also offers an extensive art library with coordinating theme ideas you can easily use to carry the theme throughout your book. Flip through the Pictavo Art Gallery or browse online in your Pictavo account to get ideas on possible themes.

Coordinated Designs

In a time crunch? Working with a small team? Pictavo can do most of the work for you! Choose from a variety of professionally designed theme combinations that include matching covers, templates, clip art, backgrounds, endsheets and more! Simply select
the elements you want for your book, drag and drop them onto your pages, and tweak as you see fit. You’ll have a professional-looking yearbook created in no time!

Backgrounds & Clip Art

The Pictavo library includes hundreds of professionally designed backgrounds and clip art in a variety of colors and designs. Flip through the Pictavo Art Gallery, or browse online in your Pictavo account to see all the possibilities! “Year in Review” or current event pages make great divider pages and can be placed as backgrounds anywhere in your book.

Custom Cover Backgrounds

Pictavo also has a library of professionally designed backgrounds that you can turn into a
custom cover for your yearbook. Just use the background as your base and add your own candids, clip art, text and more to create a custom cover for your school. Flip through the Pictavo Art Gallery, or browse online in your Pictavo account to view all the custom cover
background options.


Tips for Designing Your Yearbook


Designing your yearbook is often the most fun part of the creation process. When working on your design, remember these principles to ensure a great looking-book that is fun for everyone page through.


Aligning elements visually connects them to one another to create a sharper, more ordered design. It tightens the layout and eliminates the haphazard, messy effect, which can  happen when items are placed randomly. Aligning elements that are not in close proximity with one another helps provide an invisible connection between them.


Repetition ties together individual elements to strengthen a design. It helps create  association and consistency by using elements such as color, textures, shapes, fonts and art.


Contrast emphasizes or highlights key elements within your design using two elements that are total opposites. This can be achieved a variety of ways including color, fonts (classic/contemporary), lines (thick/thin) and shapes (big/small). Contrast plays a critical role in the organization of information on a page. It guides the viewer to the most important element – where he or she should look first. For contrast to work successfully, make this design element strong and obvious. It should make an impact.


Make sure photos you want to include are a high enough resolution to print clearly. It is recommended that photos be 300 dpi or higher to ensure clarity.


Grouping similar elements together or in close proximity, creates an organized relationship between those components. You also provide a focal point to give
the reader an idea of where their eyes should start and finish. Elements don’t
necessarily have to always be placed together, however. But they should be
visually connected in some way, whether it be font, color, point size, etc.


Balance is the weight distribution of a design through the placement of elements. It provides stability and structure to a design. Balance can be achieved in two ways: Symmetrical or Asymmetrical.

Symmetrical balance is achieved when the weight of elements on both halves of the
design is even, given a center line. Slice the design in half and you’ll see the same
elements in equal weight on both sides.

Asymmetrical balance is achieved when odd or a mismatched number of different elements are evenly distributed without a center line and don’t mirror. Asymmetrical layouts are often dynamic as they can create tension, express movement, or
convey a mood.



How To Carry Your Yearbook Theme

The key to developing a theme is making sure your motif addresses it in every section of your yearbook—from the front cover to the back cover. Consider creating titles that play off words of the theme, or work on conceptual themes that play off an idea or image. Maintain the same graphical elements, colors and fonts for your motif to keep the theme uniform and consistent.

Cover: Introduces the theme

Endsheets: Promotes unifying idea through color and/or
headlines, copy, photos, art, captions or graphics

Title Page: Reflects theme idea through content and design


Fonts are a powerful design element that can add or detract from the overall look of your yearbook. They can express an emotion or evoke a feeling, similar to the way color can. Pictavo offers a huge variety of more than 200+ fonts, to choose from. To keep a consistent look throughout your book, select a “family” of 3-5 fonts to use. You can then vary the size, weight (bold/light line), leading, kerning, etc. of the font to create interest without detracting from your design.

Helpful Tip:

Most publishers provide schools fonts due to ownership legalities and to prevent mistakes in production. Pictavo offers more than 200+ of the latest fonts, with new fonts added every year to ensure a variety to suit your school.

Types of fonts

Serif: Semi-structural details on the ends of some of the strokes that make up letters and symbols. These small lines that decorate the main strokes of a letter are widely used in
traditional printed material such as books and newspapers. Studies have shown that serif fonts are often easier to read than sans-serif fonts at smaller font sizes.

Sans Serif: Doesn’t contain any serifs at the ends of strokes. The term comes from
the French word sans, meaning “without”. Sans serif fonts have become the de facto standard for body text on-screen. Although they typically appear less formal than serif fonts, they can be used for striking effect in headlines, chapter names, and advertisements. In addition, sans serif fonts are typically used when large print is called for, where serifs become a distraction.

Handwritten: Based on the fluid strokes of natural handwriting. Handwritten
fonts are a great way to add a personal touch to a design or layout.

Decorative: More artistic and eye-catching. Decorative fonts can be a useful design
tool when trying to add a certain ‘look’ or ‘feel’ to a design project or layout. These fonts should be used in moderation and only in headers or subheads for decorative or ornamental purposes, not as body text. They tend to have a very distinct look and feel and using them for body copy will make text difficult to read or make the layout look cluttered and messy.


Yearbook Theme and Motif Development

A theme is the central idea, or unifying “attitude” of the year captured by the yearbook itself. It should tell a story about what makes this school year different and unique from other years—something that everyone can relate to and identify with.

A motif is the visual cues or recurring symbols that reinforce the theme and remind readers about the central idea. Motifs create mood and sentiment by using images, shapes, colors, patterns, etc. repeatedly throughout the yearbook.

Your theme should be woven throughout your yearbook in every section using your motif—the sports section, student life section, clubs and organizations section, portrait section, academic section, advertisement section, endsheets, etc.

Choosing Your Theme

Developing a theme for your yearbook should be fun and creative. Your theme should reflect the attitude of your school that year. Is your school going through a growth phase? Celebrating an anniversary? Initiating new changes? Welcoming new administration? Your yearbook is the perfect medium to tell this story so it is remembered by all. It should document the events and celebrate the milestones of the year in a story format that ties into a main idea.

Planning Tip: Many schools choose mascot- or spirit-related themes that tie in with school colors or anniversaries. Whatever you decide, make sure you keep it consistent throughout the book and add art and text that support it.

Brainstorming Tips

Listed below are a few theme ideas to brainstorm around. Take a moment to review some of these ideas when developing your school’s theme. Make sure to use it throughout your yearbook – on the cover, endsheets, title pages, division pages, and sections of the yearbook. There is no “wrong” theme; however a theme may be underdeveloped and difficult to understand. To avoid this, make sure to brainstorm ideas with everyone on your yearbook staff or ask faculty to weigh-in.

A Cut Above
A Day in the Life
A Flash from the Past
A New Awakening
A New Point of View
A Season of Change
A Step Above the Rest
A Touch of Class
Any Way You Slice It
Attention to Detail
Between the Lines
Breaking Thru
Built to Last
Capture the Magic
Catch the Moments
Caught in the Act
Check Us Out
Check It Out
Color me ___________
Come Learn With Us
Days of Our Lives
Deep in the Heart of…
Destined to Be…
Distinct Impressions
Every Step of the Way
Eye On…
Face The Facts
Find Your Place
First Class
For Members Only
Forever Young
From This Moment On
From Start to Finish
Get the Picture
Going In Style
Going Places
Gotta Have It
Great Moments in…
Had to Be There
In Quest Of__________
In the Making
Inside And Out
Into Something New
It All Adds Up
It All Begins With You
It Goes Without Saying
It’s A Small World
It’s About Time
It’s All in Your Mind
It’s Anyone’s Guess
It’s Our Time
It’s Your Choice
Just Passing Through
Just for the Fun Of It
Just Had to Be There
Laying It on the Line
Let’s Face It
Lights, Camera, Action
Listen Up
Living the Dream
Look at The Best
Make Your Mark
Making the Pieces Fit
Moving On Out
Never Had It So Good
Never Say Never
New Beginnings
Nobody Does It Better
On Our Own
On the Edge
One and Only
One Size Fits All
Once in a Lifetime
One Last Look
Only The Finest
Our Time to Shine
Pardon Our Dust
Picture This
Piece By Piece
Pieces of the Puzzle
Reach for the Stars
Remember This
Right On Target
Road to Success
Say It With Style
Seeing is Believing
Seize the Day
Signs of the Times
Simply the Best
Still the One
Sum It Up
Take Another Look
Take a Closer Look
Take It from the Top
The Best of Times
The Show Must Go On
The Spirit Of…
The Times of Our Lives
The Year to Remember
This Is Our Time
Too Hot to Handle
Turning the Page
Under Construction
We’ve Got It All
What’s Next?
Year of the __________
You Had to Be There

Managing Yearbook Deadlines

Managing Deadlines

As the yearbook adviser you are in total control of your book submission. Submit your book on schedule and your book will ship on schedule. It is critical that you know your deadline and plan your submission accordingly.

Your desired delivery date is given to your yearbook representative when you sign up for your yearbook. Based on your yearbook specs, you will be given an approximate date in which your yearbook must be submitted at that time. You will also get written confirmation that states the date your yearbooks will arrive with a coinciding date that your yearbook MUST be submitted to ensure your order arrives on that date. Many schools choose a Spring Delivery and ask for the yearbook to arrive in April, May or June, before school dismisses for the year. Other schools choose to have their yearbooks arrive in August or September so activities like prom, graduation and final spring sports results can be included in the yearbook. Whichever delivery date you choose, it’s important to meet your submission deadline. This will ensure that the production schedule can be kept and your yearbooks can be printed, shipped and delivered to your school by the date you need. If you submit your pages after your deadline, your yearbooks may need to be rescheduled and ship later than you planned.

General Calendar

Plan your yearbook progress to meet your submission deadline. As you develop your ladder, include the expected dates when events will occur. This will allow you to set milestones for specific individual page completion. Allow time to proofread and review each page, so there is enough time to make edits. Planning milestones will ensure you submit your yearbook on time without feeling last-minute pressure.