Your yearbook is a history of the school year in both pictures and words. Captions, headlines, and interview content help tell the full story of the events captured in those images. Some of the most historical content can be found in interviews. In this blog, we’ll explore some tips on how to get the best interview from the best people.


Always prepare a basic set of questions for interviews ahead of time. This displays a level of professionalism and caring on your part and a respect for the people you will interview. Having some knowledge ahead of time of the person you will interview, or the situation you will be talking about, will help. Do some research!

For example, if you’re interviewing the football coach about the team’s record for the season, it would help to know what that record is and what some of the best, and worst, games were. When preparing the questions, use a mix of close-ended and open-ended questions to gather valuable information and encourage storytelling. Be open to unexpected information and ask follow-up questions to explore further. This is when that knowledge of the person or event will come in handy.


When you first reach out to the person you want to interview, introduce yourself. Let them know that you are part of the yearbook staff and are interested in interviewing them for the yearbook. Arrange a suitable date and time for the interview. When the interview starts, reintroduce yourself and ask for the correct spelling of their name and their title. Maintain eye contact throughout the conversation to show active listening, and ask some follow-up questions to their answers to prove that you’re engaged, knowledgeable, and interested.


When conducting your interview, use a conversational approach to allow the interviewee to speak freely. Actively listen, avoid cutting off answers, and ask follow-up questions based on the responses to gather useful quotes and details. Listen more than you speak!


Taking notes and recording interviews are crucial for telling accurate stories. Recording interviews aids in verifying key facts and quotes during editing. Notes help you remember important details, especially direct quotes, which should be checked for accuracy. Be sure to get approval to record the interviewee beforehand.


Ask relevant questions based on your knowledge of this person or the event in particular. Try to avoid questions that don’t apply to the situation or person. Getting off track can muddy the details of a good interview.


Double-check your notes! Make sure you’ve had the chance to get answers to critical questions and ensure the accuracy of those answers with the source. Ask if they have any additional information you may have failed to cover, and thank them for their time.

Interviews are an invaluable aspect of creating a memorable yearbook. By following these tips, you can ensure that you capture compelling content that truly reflects the essence of your school year.

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