Clipart is a great alternative tool for a class yearbook as it can be used as “filler space” on page that needs content. It shouldn’t though be the main focus of the yearbook and too much of it can result in your end product looking amateurish.
Clipart has a lot of benefits including:
- Most photos are royalty free.
- Most photos are free to use and if not they are usually much more affordable than regular stock photography.
- Free clipart is included with Pictavo software
Clipart works best when it matches the existing content on the page. For example, if your images are black and white on the page, keep your clipart black and white as well. In contrast, if your images are in color, also use color clipart. By using the opposite color could make the clipart stand out more and the important content be less visual.
One thing you never want to do is replace a missing student image with clipart. It will make your yearbook look more like a comic book. Don’t leave that space blank. Instead discuss with the student and his or her parents to see if there is a good headshot they could use. If that isn’t possible, look through your library to see if there is a good candid that may work.
When you do decide to use clipart make sure the images you are using are legally allowed for commercial use. The best way to find this out is to read the “terms of use” of the site you’re take the images from as the last thing you need is a legal issue to cause your yearbooks to be delayed and cost money when not necessary.
All in all, clipart is a great element to include in your yearbook content. Don’t overdo it though.