Let us help you find the answer to your Pictavo question!
Did you know that Pictavo has a very extensive Help Menu that can be accessed from any Pictavo page? Just click on the “Help” button in the upper right hand corner. This will open Pictavo’s help section in a new tab, so you can toggle back and forth between the help screen and your Pictavo book.
Exploring Pictavo’s Help Section
There are two ways to find out the answer to your Pictavo question:
1. You can search through all of the help topics by clicking on the “+” next to desired help category to expand the list. For example if you would like to know more about Pages you would click on the + next to How To and then the + next to Pages. From there you can select from a wide variety of articles.
2. In the Help Menu Search Field, type in the topic of your question and hit the “magnifying glass” search button. This may bring up several search results in which you may find the answer
So basically, if you want to learn how to move pages in your book, you can go to “How to > Pages” or you can search “move pages.” There you’ll find “How do I move pages in my book.” When you click on that, you’ll get step by step instructions on how to move the pages in your Pictavo book. Some help topics will also contain a video tutorial.
So go ahead and log in to Pictavo (pictavo.com) and check out the Help Menu! If you need further assistance, then please contact our Technical Support Team at 1-800-887-0414 or contact a Yearbook Life representative at 1-888-680-0143.