Endsheets are the thick paper that is attached to both the inside of the cover and the printed pages of the yearbook. You will notice that this hard paper is usually left blank in a choice of color or white for autographs from the student body, or it is designed in one or two inks or in full color.
If you do decide to design your endsheet, review all your offerings with us. Most schools that design their endsheets usually continue their theme development, as well as a table of contents of their yearbook on the endsheet. Make sure to note that you have two endsheets that make up your yearbook—the front endsheet and the back endsheet.
Many schools like to design the front endsheet, but may choose to leave the back blank. Other schools have chosen to repeat the same design from the front onto the back. Some schools include a colophon on the endsheet or in the advertisement section that describes the specifications of the yearbook for future staffs. This colophon can include basic specs such as the name of the yearbook publisher that sold the yearbook and took photos, technology, cover specs, endsheet specs, pages, copies, sales price of book, amount of ad revenue, staff listing, and more.
Be sure to review costs for production of endsheets with your yearbook sales representative.