Organizing all your school’s yearbook photos and files can sometimes be a long and grueling task.  Between the retouching and renaming of files, the stress level for these members of the yearbook team can most definitely hit new highs.

Organizing Your Yearbook PhotosIn today’s digital age though, it doesn’t need to be as bad as you’d think. A little structure and the help of yearbook software programs like Pictavo, which can be used online, can make this organization process a breeze.

Instead of using Microsoft Excel and Word, which could have fifty versions of the most up-to-date document, try utilizing the Pictavo Software, which is available when you work with YearbookLife. This software doesn’t live on one computer hard drive but rather online in the “cloud”. This means multiple users can easily collaborate from anywhere there is internet access.

Aside from the numerous templates and collaboration capabilities Pictavo provides its users with a great way to keep your files and data organized. Within the software admins are able to grant permissions and access rights so those who aren’t suppose to be in certain areas, aren’t.

With Pictavo’s community image upload feature, members of the school community, beyond the yearbook staff can contribute to the school’s book. These people are able to upload and share images they’ve captured on their own, which can make for additional great additions to the book.  Best of all, all of this can be done with the Pictavo mobile app!

No more will you hear “Am I using the latest version” and “did I just overwrite an existing file?”  Everything can be in one common place with the latest data always updated in real time.

Give Pictavo Software and YearbookLife a try. It can be a real lifesaver!